“I Am Leaving The Foreign Ministry Very Happy”; Foreign Minister Kemayah Discloses


The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah Sr., has hailed President George Weah for the confidence reposed in him to serve the Liberian people over the last three years. “Thanks for believing in me even in the days and years of falsehood, lies and political plots against me. My family and I remain grateful,” he said.

   He indicated that President Weah has over the years shown that he is a true leader with humility, who believes in potential people like him, and he demonstrated that over the last three years.

   Speaking at the dedicatory program of the refurbished Foreign Ministry Building, Minister Kemayah said the reform, which he termed as unwavering and uncompromising, has made a significant impact on the ministry. 

   In what was considered a farewell speech, Ambassador Kemayah told the diplomatic gathering that he ran the ministry in close consultation with his senior management team.

   “Even though we took decisions as a team, when the execution aspect comes it appears like I alone took the decision, but I am unmoved, especially with my enviable reform process,” he stated. “In Liberia, those who start to do the right thing are the ones seen as the bad ones.”

   According to him, he worked along with his team to close cartels and other bad practices at the ministry under his reform agenda.

   Speaking about the revised passport regulations, Minister Kemayah stated that it was done in line with best practices and in a standardized manner and form.

   Liberia, he stated, is among the few countries where people pay for diplomatic passports, but in the revised regulations it was changed to make it   institutionalized.

   Moreover, he pointed out that in the revised passport regulation, All Liberian passports are valid for six years, including the diplomatic passports.

   The revised regulations also indicate that foreign mission staffs will serve for two terms, after which they can return to the ministry and serve before going on the field.

   “In the manual, you can only serve a maximum of three years at a post. In the new manual, when you are recalled, you have to come home to office,” he noted.

   “The welfare of people on the field was also highlighted, and mission staffs’ children are entitled to education benefits, among others,” the new manual disclosed.

   “I have no regrets for the reform that we executed, and I am exiting the stage as a very happy man after about three years,” he bragged.

   Making reference to the dedication of the new foreign affairs building, he stated that the renovation will see three elevators, which he said will help sustain power for over forty-five minutes after any loss of electricity.

   “The customized elevators were packaged in Italy,” Ambassador Kemayah informed the gathering.

   “As I take responsibility for the delay in the installation of the elevators, I however did so as per instructions and in order to ensure that standard is met, which is now a reality,” he added.

   Minister Kemayah was also quick to mention that he is glad and very pleased with the renovation work at the Foreign Ministry, I have done my work and set the stage for my predecessor”, he added.

   Meanwhile, the current renovation now sees a new and modern ministry, with six floors well-furnished and decorated, including the painting of the exterior components of the building, among others.

   As finishing touches are on-going in other areas, the installation of the elevators as well as the remaining components of the building are expected to be completed in a few weeks’ time, according to the CEO of the local construction company carried out the renovation, MDMC, John Uboti.

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