In Observance of World Press Freedom Day: Liberian Journalists Divided


As journalists and other human rights groups unanimously celebrated the World Press Freedom Day worldwide, Liberian journalists were divided over election irregularities.

   World Press Freedom Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in December 1993, following the recommendation of UNESCO’s General Conference. Since then, on May 3 each year, the anniversary of the Declaration of Windhoek is celebrated worldwide as World Press Freedom Day.

   Since its formation, May 3, 2023 marked the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day. It has achieved substantial progress towards achieving a free press and freedom of expression around the world. The proliferation of independent media in many countries and the rise of digital technologies have enabled the free flow of information.

   However, media freedom, safety of journalists and freedom of expression are increasingly under attack, which impacts the fulfillment of other human rights.

   The 30th anniversary’s theme, “Shaping a Future of Rights: Freedom of expression as a driver for all other human rights”, was celebrated worldwide by journalists and human rights groups.

   For Liberia, several journalists along with government officials gathered at the Monrovia City Hall in observance of the World Press Freedom Day, but some journalists, especially those against the Press Union of Liberia’s 2022 election result, boycotted it.

   Robert Haynes, Press and Public Affairs Director of the House of Representatives, praised Liberian journalists for the professional roles they continue to play in the dissemination of vital information to every sector of the society.

   As press director, he extended his appreciation and gratitude to the media for their tireless effort in keeping the public informed and engaged with happenings.

   Director Haynes said he believes that the media plays a vital role in promoting transparency and accountability in government, noting that through their reportage ills in the society are exposed.

   Since November 2022 unity has not been in the Liberian media as compared to previous years. The governing body of journalists, Press Union of Liberia, (PUL), held election in Bong County between Daniel Nyankonah and Julius Kanubah, but the election results are in court. Kanubah took the case to the Civil Law Court for irregularity and the lack of transparency. The case has been transferred to the Supreme Court for perfect justice dispensation after the Civil Law Court ruled against Kanubah.

   Yesterday’s celebration was partially attended by journalists: Team Daniel Nyankonah’s supporters were in attendance, while Team Julius Kanubah’s supporters boycotted it.

   Daniel Nyankonah is the current Vice President to PUL’s out-going President, Charles Cuffey.

   The election divided media practitioners, one supporting “Team Daniel” and the other supporting “Team Kanubah”.

   One of Team Daniel’s supporters, Lennart Dodoo, Front Page Africa’s Editor, has frowned on the boycotters.

   “A group of nerveless reporters have decided to boycott this year’s World Press Freedom Day program. Their reason? They believe that the current leadership is ‘illegitimate’ and therefore unworthy of hosting such an event,” Dodoo, a strong ally of Team Daniel, stated, condemning the boycott.

 “It seems that these journalists have decided that they are the sole arbiters of who is and isn’t fit to champion press freedom. Forget about the fact that the World Press Freedom Day program is an internationally recognized event that brings together journalists from all over the world to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the industry. No, what really matters is whether or not these particular journalists approve of the people in charge,” Dodoo frowned on his colleagues.

   According to Dodoo, the journalists who did not attend the program thought that the boycott is a legitimate form of protest.

   “But let’s be real here: these journalists are not boycotting because they want to effect change; they’re boycotting because they want to make a statement. They want to show everyone how principled and righteous they are. They want to pat themselves on the back for standing up to the ‘illegitimate’ powers that be,” he added.

   “And what do they hope to achieve with this boycott? Do they think that their absence will somehow force the organizers to reconsider their leadership? Do they think that the world will suddenly sit up and take notice of their noble gesture? Or do they simply want to bask in the glow of their own self-righteousness?”

   Recently, the Supreme Court looked into the case but reserved an indefinite date for verdict.

   There are growing calls to dissolve the current leadership at the union and insert an interim leadership. Critics believe that the current leadership’s time has elapsed and they are the cause of the union being without leadership.

   Pro-Team Kanubah members alleged that their opponent group rigged the election to maintain power to protect out-going President Cuffey.

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