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Some Leaders of the LCC

LCC Dismisses Allegation of Being Against Regime

The Liberia Council  of Churches  has denied the allegation  from the Liberia National Police (LNP) and the Minister of Information that the President of the Council of Churches has “hatred for the CDC regime, using his religious connection to conceal his mendacious posture as a fearless politician and using his campaign to even get even with anyone who has been through his hypocrisies and viciousness”.

   Speaking to a group of journalists Wednesday, October 20, 2021 the first Vice President of the Liberia Council of Churches, Bishop D. Jensen Seyenkulo, said, “This statement coming from high profile  officials of government is worrisome and counted as an affront to morality and disrespect to Episcopal leadership. Therefore, the Council has expressed dismay at statements repeatedly made by government officials against the LCC.”

   The clergyman emphasized that the statement from the Minister of Information and the Solicitor General of Liberia against the President of the Council of Churches portray an unfriendly atmosphere between the church and the state, which is far from the LCC.

   He further mentioned that the Council of Churches has been and is a champion of good relationship, and upholds its mission that fosters partnership at national and international levels.

   Bishop Seyenkulo added that the church remains the prophetic voice of the voiceless, and will not be intimidated by anyone to demean the hard-earned respect required for religious leaders. “Our cultural and religious values teach us to be obedient and respectful to every authority,” Bishop Seyenkulo voiced.

   He said the church has not opposed any political leadership of the country, and therefore called on the government to see the church as a true partner and a great collaborator in progress.

   “You are our members, and we hold to supporting you in all lawful actions to uplift good governance and progress of our authorities,” the LCC Bishop stated.

   “Meanwhile the Council recognizes the critical moment as the country approaches 2023, and calls for collaboration as priority, negating scape-goating and mischaracterization.”

   The Bishop concluded by saying that they are calling on all stakeholders to uphold the rule of law, with specific reference to forced conscription of persons into traditional societies, the respect  of the right of all persons no matter their age, creed, faith, or cultural values.

   “The council condemns all acts of ritualistic killings, and calls on those involved to refrain because life belongs to God, not man.”

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