Liberia-China Friendship Organization To Impact VOA-1 Community


VOA-1 Community in Brewerville, Montserrado County’s district #17, is poised to benefit from the China-Liberia Friendship Organization’s humanitarian gesture.

   The China-Liberia Friendship Organization, which was re-launched on Peace Island, Congo Town, was established after its executives travelled to China, benefited from scholarships and conferences, saw development there and the numerous ones carried out by the Chinese government in Liberia, according to the organization’s President, Siafa D. Sherif.

   The organization’s secretary and president catalogued China’s development imprints in Liberia, ranging from scholarships, the renovation of the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex, the completion of the Health Ministry, to the construction of the modern structures of the University of Liberia Fendell Campus, the pending construction of two overhead bridges in Montserrado County and oil refinery in Grand Bassa County.

   “We visited China and saw development there and the ones China did in Liberia; so we befriend the Chinese government to be like them,” the China-Liberia Friendship’s secretary general said. “Since Liberia got her independence 1847 it is still underdeveloped, and China, which gained independence 1948, is developed. We befriended them to help us.”

   Earlier, VOA-1 Community’s Secretary General Marrison S. Kaisambo’s development claims about China in Liberia corroborated with President Sherif’s account.

   The VOA-1 Community is challenged in a number of ways, which needs urgent attention by the China-Liberia Friendship Organization, according to the community’s Chairman, Saah Foubah, and secretary.

   Chairman Foubah outlined the lack of youth and women empowerment, private and public schools’ lack of technology, high poverty rate, residents dwelling in makeshift structures, and getting livelihood from palm thatch broom sale.

   In a related development, President Sherif told the VOA-1 Community that its residents will benefit from the medical service of the Chinese team after serving Peace Island residents. “We will make the Chinese Ambassador to pay a courtesy visit there, and will make sure the community benefit from China’s good humanitarian gestures,” he assured.

   The organization’s community engagement is intended for every community to feel China’s development impact in Liberia and consider China as reliant for development.

   The elders and residents of the community wholeheartedly welcomed the organization and called for China’s urgent development project implementation so that they can be impacted.

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