MDR’s Official Response Against The Sunday Incident At Sen. Prince Y. Johnson’s Christ Chapel Of Faith Ministries


Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press:

On May 17, 2023, an operative of the EPS who name withheld walked into the residence of Senator Prince Johnson and informed him of a planned attack on him by Vice president Jewel Howard Taylor.

On May 21, 2023, a group of Young men armed with deadly instruments and wearing both the CDC berets and also carrying NPP T-Shirts and banner violently entered the premises of Christ Chapel of Faith Church and begun to yell with the slogan “WE WANT WAR CRIME COURT”. This situation immediately disrupted Evangelist Johnson Sunday worship service when he was about to deliver his regular Sunday sermon.

The Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction (MDR) condemns in the strongest terms the May 21, 2023 violent protest against its Governing Council Chair Senator Prince Y. Johnson at the premises of his Christ Chapel of Faith Church in Paynesville behind the Liberia Broadcasting System-LBS.

It is quite important to reemphasize and register the MDR’s disappointment and frustration in the state security;  the Incident was jointly calculated, planned and executed in collaboration with the Liberia National Police-LNP, this is from the backdrop that after residents of the LBS community hinted the Nimba County Senator Prince Y. Johnson, he subsequently placed multiples calls to relevant security Actors including the Director of the Liberian Police Mr. Patrick Sudue, unfortunately the police intentionally arrived at the Christ Chapel of Faith Premises two hours after the incident has already occurred.

It also worth mentioning here that, the recent attacked on the Senator, the Godfather of Nimba, Evangelist Johnson and his congregation would’ve been avoided by the Liberia National Police since, in fact, he alerted the police little over two hours prior to the incident.

Additionally, the MDR wants to use this medium to remind Liberians and the World-At-Large that what was displayed by supporters of the regime on Sunday is evident of our accusation fortnight ago when we initially accused the Weah led Government of an assassination attempt on our Governing Council Chair Sen. Prince Y, Johnson.

The Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction (MDR) notes with deepest concern that, threats on the life of Senator Johnson is becoming consistent since he withdrew his support for the second term bid of the footballing President George M. Weah.

Ladies  & Gentlemen of the Press, the issue of establishing a War Crime Court should not be politicized by regime collaborators as the way of silencing critical voices including the Nimba County Senator.

Nimbaians whom senator Johnson represents at the Legislature are people who majoritively were equally victims of the 14 years of civil unrest, they too, like any Liberian that was effected by the War deserve Justice.

Even Senator Prince Johnson deserves justice; oh yes! His mother was murdered in cold blood in a brutal manner.

Sen. Johnson participation in the Liberian Civil war was at a result of an extreme marginalization, killing and intimidation of Nimbaians over the Country; more than that, Sen. Johnson as a revolutionary Leader felt the need to liberate his people.  

Furthermore, the MDR is extremely shocked by president Weah and his Government conspicuous silence to condemn the uncivilized action demonstrated last Sunday under the instruction of his vice president Madam Jewel Howard Taylor.

We are reliably informed that ex-combatants Roland Duo, Dopoe Menkarzon, Joe Tuah, Kai Farlay and others were the planners of the disruption of normal service at the Christ Chapel of Faith Church because they have thought that Senator Evangelist Prince Johnson Sermon would have effected Jewel Howard Taylor politically.

The MDR wants to warn the lead perpetrator of the Sunday incident at the Christ Chapel of Faith Peter Bleedi, Jr., who happens to be the National vice Chair for Press and publicity of NPP Youth Council and a close associate to Jewel Howard Taylor, who according to evidence in our possession recently accompanied the very vice President during her recent tour in the southeastern region including Maryland County to desist from being used for violent purpose.

He was the rank leader for the gang group who disrupted the Chapel Faith Church.

Let me register that gone are those days when the slogan “when Nimba man dies, that Nimba man kill it” was sung. Gone are those days.

We want you to take heed and act accordingly. Senator Johnson supports peace that’s why he has such a huge investment in Liberia.

The Movement for Democracy & Reconstruction wants to use this medium to call on the International Community including the American Government, the European Union, the ECOWAS Commission and the African Union to Intervene. We want the international Community to join us in calling on the Weah led Government to conduct investigation into the May 21, 2023 disruption at the Christ Chapel of Faith Church.

We want to express appreciation to our collaborating Unity Party, the council of Churches, the Elders of Nimba and senator Johnson many admirers who have condemned the last Sunday incident at the Christ Chapel of Faith Church.

We cherish your contribution to ensure that Liberia is peaceful and secured.

Thank you all!”

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