Min. McGill Asserts: “Don’t Be Misled By Failed Politicians”


The Minister of State for Presidential Affairs, Nathaniel F. McGill, has told the people of Bong County not to allow themselves to be misled by empty rhetoric from failed politicians, who have no example of success to show, for if these politicians were patriotic Liberia would have been a much better country.

   Speaking on “Responsible Leadership” and “Patriotism” at the graduation ceremony of the Dolokelen Gboveh High School, Gbarnga, Bong County, on March 2, 2022, Minister McGill said Liberia needs peacemakers and builders and not people who misuse their talent by trying to bring others down; thus the politics of division and hatred is not a good trait for national leadership or student leadership. “Liberia must be united in purpose under a responsible leadership. And thank God Liberia is under the responsible leadership of President Dr. George Manneh Weah,” he said.  

   According to him, “A responsible leadership is a leadership that is responsive to the needs of people: our community and nation. Responsible leadership is people-centered. The interest of the people must be at the heart of a leader. And responsible leadership leads by example. According to Robert Greenleaf, an American author, the leader must be a servant of the people and, in order to serve the people responsibly, these are the following guiding principles: listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship and commitment to the growth of people.”

   He continued, “My fellow Liberians, especially you students at Gboveh High School, I want to speak to you about a quality that can assure that Liberians can reach our potential as a great nation: patriotism—love of our country is the foundation that we must build upon. Stephen Nathanson, a philosophy professor, says   patriotism consist of four main areas: a special affection towards one’s country; defining himself or herself through his or her country; being interested in country’s welfare; and sacrificing for the sake of country’s welfare.

   “Your country must come first in all you do, and this means that, in order for you to love your country, you must love your family and your friends. Love means respect and to show kindness. A patriot is not selfish. He or she puts the needs of his country above theirs, but more importantly supports the development of the country by being a responsible citizen.  

  “Liberia needs patriots in order for our country to reach greatness, prosperity and to maintain a strong democracy. We need all to support our country’s development agenda by using our God-given talents to work in the interest of our country. Patriotism will require students to learn more, acquire more skills, support the development of your community and engage with positive people who are working in the interest of the people. Do not be misled by empty rhetoric from failed politicians, who have no example of success to show you, for if these politicians were patriotic Liberia would have been a much better country. They would have done more to improve the standards of living of Liberians than the state we find ourselves. They do not have the answers. They had their time to perform and they did so poorly.”

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