NEC Announces New Date For Voter Registration Exercise; Awards Laxton Group BVR Contract


The National Elections Commission (NEC) has announced that the 2023 voter registration exercise will begin on March 20, 2023 and will end on May 11, 2023, disclosing that the voter registration exercise will be conducted in two phases.

   According to the Commission, phase one of the voter registration exercise runs from March 20, 2023 to April 9, 2023. Phase two, NEC said, will begin on April 10, 2023 and end on May 11, 2023.

   A statement from the NEC issued Thursday, December 22, 2022 says it has received $10 million from the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, given in United States and Liberian dollars for the exercise.

   The NEC stated that it is working with the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning on disbursing the remaining US$8,377,000 as balance due the Commission as per the 2022 fiscal year’s approved budget.

   Meanwhile, the National Elections Commission (NEC) says the procurement for biometric equipment, software and, materials for the voter registration exercise has been concluded. According to NEC, LAXTON Group was selected to provide the goods and services for the voter registration exercise, and that a contract has been signed by the parties and attested to by the Government of Liberia (GOL).

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