The National Elections Commission (NEC), through its Chief Dispute Hearing Officer, Wednesday granted the motion for continuous as prayed for by the complainants in the Liberty Party’s Inter-Party conflict case.
The NEC Chief Dispute Hearing Officer, Cllr. Muana Ville, granted the motion after complainant’s lawyers, led by Cllr. Gloria Musa Scott, informed the Administrative Court that they received the motion for dismissal on November 8, 2022 and needed time to adequately prepare for their response.
The matter came out of the case, Hon. Nyonblee Karnga Lawrence and Emmanuel Izago verses Musa Hasan Bility and all, under the action, Inter-Party Conflict.
Meanwhile, the Judge of the Administrative Court at the National Elections Commission, Muana Ville, has scheduled notice of assignments to the two parties for hearing into the case for tomorrow, Thursday, November 11, 2022, at 2:00 p.m.
Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Liberia, Gloria Musu Scott, represented the complainants, Senator Nyonblee Karnga Lawrence and Emmanuel Izago, while Cllr. Hilton Powo represented the defendants, Musa Hasan Bility and all.