NEC’s Gender Section Begins Workshop In Grand Bassa County


The National Elections Commission (NEC) will on today, Monday, host nearly 30 Liberians from civil society organizations representing persons living with disabilities and the media to review a draft policy that seeks to develop a strategic action plan to be used during electioneering periods in Liberia.

With support from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Electoral Support Office, the Gender Section of NEC has been conducting a series of regional workshops for persons living with disabilities to review and strengthen the draft policy for persons living with disabilities throughout Liberia.

   According to a NEC statement issued on Sunday, October 10, 2021, two European Union countries, Sweden and Ireland, are providing the funds for the NEC Gender Section workshop for persons with disabilities.

   The Buchanan gathering, under the theme, “Working Together to Promote Equal Access for OPWDs whilst Increasing their Participation in the Electoral Process”, includes representatives from the media and the disabled community in Liberia.

   NEC says the civil society actors from the host county, Grand Bassa, and residents of Rivercess, Sinoe, Grand Kru and Margibi counties will participate in the final series of the two-day regional workshops for persons living with disabilities.

   Last week at the Ganta gathering of persons living with disabilities, the Commission expressed, through its Chairperson, Cllr. Davidetta Browne-Lansanah, thankfulness to the governments of Ireland and Sweden for funds being used to conduct the three regional gender workshops on the NEC draft policy for persons living with disabilities throughout Liberia. 

   Cllr. Browne-Lansanah said the Commission cherishes the increasing partnership with persons living with disabilities. “The more recommendations and interest they share with the Commission, the better electioneering will be in Liberia,” she added.

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