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APM Terminals mobile harbor cranes

New Equipment At Freeport Of Monrovia

Over the weekend the Hot Pepper came across port workers’ images from social media platforms. The posts show some very large equipment being imported into the country at the port, with APM Terminals’ name inscribed on them.

   A visit to the port area to conduct an investigation of the images led to newsmen seeing two gigantic towers and machinery being offloaded. The machinery is so big it was visible even from the access roads where the newsmen were located. Further investigation then led to contacting the Commercial Department of APM Terminals Liberia.

   Thomas Moore, Commercial Manager of APM Terminals Liberia, informed reporters that the terminal operators have made good on a promise to the National Port Authority (NPA) last year. “The equipment is known as a Mobile Harbor Crane. This crane is a universal all-rounder and a key asset for handling containers and heavy lifts of general cargo,” Moore disclosed.

   Moore said, “As you can see, there is on-going work here at the terminal as we, a few days ago, took delivery of these two latest generation Liebherr Model 600 Mobile Harbor Cranes.  We’ve had this project for over a year now. We ordered the cranes in January, but due to some unforeseen delays we just managed to take delivery of them. The team is working hard to get them into operation in the next month or two. We will keep you posted on the developments.”

   Research conducted revealed that mobile harbor cranes are the most versatile port cranes, suitable for handling general cargo, containers and bulk materials. The cranes offer high flexibility in combination with relatively low operating costs. Research also shows that these cranes travel at a speed of 80 meters per minute, carrying a massive weight of over 414 tons.

   This means the new world-class equipment imported from Germany will significantly increase the cargo handling capacity at the port, increase the productivity of the port and reduce the waiting time of vessels. This means also the reduction of prices on the market for goods imported into Liberia and a direct boost for the economy.

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