Oxygen Factory To Be Built In Central Liberia Soon


The Executive Director of Christian Health Association of Liberia (CHAL), Patricia Kamara, has disclosed that CHAL is poised to establish an oxygen factory in Bong County soon.

   According to Kamara, the decision to establish the oxygen refilling plant in Bong County is the number of oxygen factories in country, with one being located at JFK Hospital, Monsterrado County, and the other at Phebe Hospital, Bong County.

   “The Ebola and Corona viral diseases exposed the country’s healthcare system, due to the lack of adequate oxygen in country,” Kamara stated.

   She made the disclosure on Wednesday, February 22, 2022 at CHAL’s headquarters in Sinkor, Monrovia.

   Karama noted that the establishment of an oxygen factory in central Liberia will provide solution to a number of health facilities in need of oxygen in the country.

   She said currently CHAL and its partners have agreed to roll out the oxygen factory in Bong County, meant to ease the demand for oxygen by health facilities in Liberia. 

  According to her, the Christian Health Association of Liberia (CHAL) has been providing support to the health sector through trainings, medical supplies, infrastructural improvement, among other developments. “CHAL has one of the best drug deports at the Phebe Hospital, which was established to test drug to authenticate its quality before public use,” she added.

   Kamara said their quest to establish an oxygen factory is geared toward providing the necessary solutions to health facilities in demand of oxygen supply in Liberia. “CHAL is here to address your health needs,” she added.

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