PLP Organizing Chairman: “We Are Ready!


The Organizing Chairman of the People’s Liberation Party (PLP), Tappleh E. Doe, says the party is ready to change the political dynamics of the country, and is in readiness to be good exemplars—to give back to the country with honor and integrity.

   Doe made the statement on Monday, December 21, 2020 when the National Elections Commission (NEC) duly accredited the proposed People’s Liberation Party (PLP) as a political party in Liberia. The occasion was held in the NEC conference hall, 9th & 10th Streets, Sinkor, at 1:00 p.m.

   Presenting the Certificate of Accreditation, the NEC Chairperson, Davidetta Browne Lansanah, said based on the application and submission of requirements to become a political party the NEC was pleased to accredit the PLP as a duly registered political party, in order that it may contest political positions.

   In response, Organizing Chairman Doe said, “On behalf of the leadership and members of the People’s Liberation Party, it is my honor to receive this certificate. This certificate formally authorizes the People’s Liberation Party to operate in the country as a bonafide political party organization. We know that this certificate confers upon us the fullness of rights and privileges accorded all registered political parties. Therefore, we are thankful, honored and humbled to receive it.”

NEC boss, Davidetta Browne Lansanah presents Certificate of Accreditation to PLP’s Organizing Chairman, Tappleh E. Doe

   He noted that they view the certificate as a formal license to work more assiduously and, as best as they can, to positively influence the deepening of Liberia’s young democratic culture.

   “We also commit to organize differently, and act responsibly, so as to earn the respect, trust and confidence of the Liberian people. It is for all Liberians—the young, the old, the haves, the have-nots, the educated, the uneducated—it is for all of our people that we have organized this party. It is for a better Liberia that we have come to exist,” Doe noted.

   He continued, “It is for change, for freedom, for respect for the rule of law, and to seek the best for our country—to seek the best for our children, and their children—that we have come to exist.

   “It is to be good exemplars—to give back to our country with honor and integrity, to care for the conditions of others so that each has a chance to be lifted up, and to dutifully pursue unity and peace in the development of our country, that we have organized ourselves into the People’s Liberation Party. As our motto states, ‘The Time Is Now’, and we are ready! I thank you.”

   Earlier, the NEC Co-Chairperson, Cllr. P. Teplah Reeves, described the PLP is the “newest on the bloc”, and urged the organizers to go and serve well, in the interest of the people.

   After the ceremony, the PLP Organizing Chairman took newsmen on a guided tour of the party’s headquarters in Congo Town.

   Strategically located between the headquarters of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) and the Liberty Party (LP), opposite the YWCA, the PLP headquarters is painted green and comprises a spacious hall that contains a holding room for guests, a working area (apparently for the youth league or technocrats), and a number of offices for party officials.

   The Hot Pepper has been informed by an anonymous source that a number of ex-UP and CDC frontrunners are standing by to take up major positions in the newly established PLP, which seems as an alternative for persons who do not see their vision for Liberia aligned with the CDC and CPP manifestos.

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