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Pres. Boakai Launches Sub-regional Kissi Culture Integration

In order to promote unity and cultural values in West Africa, President Joseph N. Boakai over the weekend launched the sub-regional integration of Kissi culture.

   The program, “Kalamakissio Festival for the Promotion of Textile and the Enhancement of the Kissi Culture”, was held at Vick Inn, Samukai Town, Caldwell, for the first time in Liberia.

   With the theme, “Culture in the Service of Sub-regional Integration”, brought together the Kissi tribe from Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone.

   The program was intended to unite Kissi people in the three countries and promote their cultural values. As the hall was overcrowded with Kissi-speaking people, cultural groups from the trio performed excellently in the presence of President Boakai and he appreciated them by nodding his head.

   All the speakers of the program, including President Boakai, Internal Minister, and others, spoke in the Kissi language, which served as embarrassment for journalists who covered the occasion because they could not understand the Kissi language.

  However, the President launched the program in the Kissi language, and gave US$25,000. One of the President’s kinsmen who summarized his speech quoted him in the English language as saying the President called on the three countries to unite and promote the Kissi culture, and promised to stand by them in doing so. In addition, he said that the President will order the Minister of Public Works to recondition the deplorable road in Caldwell.

   According to the master of ceremony, culture is the value of the Kissi people. He implored them to sew and wear the traditional cloth, which is their heritage, and avoid Western dress code that is fading the value of their culture.

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