Price Of Cement Drops


The management of Cemenco, the largest manufacturer of cement products in Liberia, says they have decided to drop the price of the commodity on the Liberian market. The move, the company says, is in keeping with a recent Government of Liberia (GOL) action to carry out similar adjustment in the prices of petroleum products in the country.

   The Ministry of Commerce last week announced a new price structure for gasoline and diesel fuel, as prices fall on the international market. At the time, Commerce Minister, Mawine Diggs, warned marketers that inspectors from the ministry would carry out rigorous inspection in order to enforce compliance.

   Cemenco’s decision to effect a price change was expected to come into force on Tuesday, September 13, 2022. The new prices are CEM II/B-M, 32.5R, US$7.50; CEM II/B-M, 42.5R, US$8.10; and CEM I, 52.5R, US$9.50.

   A Ministry of Information press release disclosed that the government has been working in recent months with various importers and distributors of essential commodities on the Liberian market, in an effort to keep prices stable and affordable for ordinary consumers.

   Cemenco’s management has said it is committed to the government’s pro-poor agenda, in fulfillment of the “true partnership” it has with Liberia. The company says a second phase of price reduction might take place on October 1, 2022.

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