Pro-Tempore Albert Chie: “History’s Never Been Kind To Senators’ Re-Election”


The Pro-Tempore of the Liberian Senate, Albert T. Chie, says despite years of hard work and constant visitations to constituencies, history has unfortunately never been kind to senators seeking re-election. “We hope this class will be an exception and the return rate will be high. I urge all of us to work towards this goal,” he said.

   Speaking at the opening ceremony of the 6th and final session of the 54th National Legislature on Monday, January 16, 2023 on Capitol Hill, the Grand Kru County Senator said it has been a long journey, especially for senators from the 53rd Legislature to the 54th. According to him, senators under his administration as administrative head of the Liberian Senate worked together on many bills and other legislative instruments, which assisted in governance, promoted the image of the country internationally, contributed positively to the rule of law and enhanced revenue generation.

   “We collectively spent several millions US dollars from our incomes to implement projects in the various counties. These include construction and rehabilitation of roads, schools, health facilities, meeting halls, administrative buildings and guesthouses, provision of electricity, providing honorarium to volunteer teachers and volunteer health workers, provision of chairs and other school materials, provision of medicines and medical equipment, provision of scholarships and financial aid and other forms of assistance and charity,” Pro-Tempore Chie added.

   He emphasized that multi-party democratic elections do not always produce the best elective public servants, and there are many reasons for that. Nevertheless, Senator Chie pointed out that multi-party democracy, which ensures one man one vote, is the surest way, as laid down in the Constitution for the will of the people to be met and satisfied and their own voices heard.

   The Grand Kru Senator and the Senate Pro-Tempore committed the Liberian Senate to ensuring free, fair, credible and violence-free elections through their actions, statements and oversight responsibilities. He said the pending election is cardinal to the peace and security of the country; as such, they who are the players have pivotal role in ensuring that the process is free and fair.

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