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Rep.-Elect Thomas Announces Refreshing News For District #4

As water is to a thirsty soul, quenching the dryness of the body and bringing in freshness and new life, so it was to graduating students of the Thomas Foundation and citizens of Montserrado County’s district #4, when their Representative-elect, Michael M. Thomas, proclaimed that he has purchased a property for the vocational school and is in search to do more districtwide; writes Ojuku Silver-tongue Kangar, Jr.

   “The first announcement that I have to give you today is that we have secured a first property for the Thomas Foundation down Du-Port Road. It is a two-acre-and-two-lot property, and has a little swamp at the back,” Representative-elect Thomas said. “We all will work to make it what we want it to be, and we will erect the best of structure that will suit our institution. We all will extend the vocational school from being ordinary certificate level to advanced diploma,” he stated.

   Representative-elect Thomas, who will be certificated on Friday, December 8, 2023 along with several representatives-elect and senators-elect, made the disclosure over the weekend in Wein Town Community when he paid a courtesy visit there to express his appreciation to the electorate who voted him and he won.

   “So I come today to say thank you, to congratulate you that your effort under the hot sun was not wasted. The effort of those who volunteered to be poll watchers—they did not sleep from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. to make sure the votes were protected,” he said in an appreciative tone. “Your effort was not wasted, and it will not be wasted! You made a sound and salient decision—you voted the best of the best and it is time that you reap what you have sowed.”

   In a victorious tone, the Representative-elect invited the citizens of the district and others to attend the certification program on Friday at the Ministerial Complex. He informed that there will be a districtwide celebration after his certification on Friday.

   The thanksgiving service in Wein Town Community brought together students and instructors of the Thomas’ Foundation, who rained praises on the Representative-elect and his wife for equipping them with skills to be the bread winner of their families and contribute to the society.

   On December 9, the Thomas Foundation will put out a mass number of graduates from various departments of the vocational school, according to authorities of the entity.

   Although the purchasing of the two-acre-and-two-lot property for the vocational school sounded like a “water to a thirsty soul” in the ears of citizens, Representative-elect wants the school to be extended across the district, and said they are in search of more properties to buy. 

   “We are also in search of a property in the Soul Clinic belt and Bernard Farm belt. If anybody has an idea where there is property that is for sale—we do not want it for lease so that when you are enjoying your semester then the people will say, ‘My aunt has come from Ghana,’ or ‘My uncle has come from America.’ No, if you got it for sale, please contact the institutors or please contact the institution,” Representative-elect said. “Let’s get it to build academic and vocational school across the district.”

   For the Paynesville Community College construction, he assured the citizens that success is underway, and called on the citizens to pray along with him and partners.

   “We are right now having discussion with the telecommunication facility so that we can acquire that property through the district, then in the future we can build the Paynesville Community College so that all of us can have free access to quality tertiary education,” the Representative-elect said.

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