Sie-A-Nyene Gyapay Yuoh Commissioned As Chief Justice Of The Republic Of Liberia
To protect and defend the rule of law, President George M. Weah, with Constitutional mandate, has commissioned Sie-A-Nyene Gyapay Yuoh as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Liberia.
Articles 65, 66 and 67 of the 1986 Constitution say that “the judicial power of the Republic shall be vested in a Supreme Court and such subordinate courts as the Legislature may from time to time establish. It shall be final arbiter of Constitutional issues and shall exercise final appellate jurisdiction in all cases, whether emanating from courts of record, courts not of record, administrative agencies, autonomous agencies or any other authority, both as to law and fact except cases involving ambassadors, ministers, or cases in which a country is a party. It shall comprise of one Chief Justice and four Associate Justice, a majority of whom shall be deemed competent to transact the business of the Court.”
Yuoh, who was appointed by President Weah and confirmed by the Liberian Senate, succeeded former Chief Justice, Francis Korpor, who fulfilled his Constitutional duty and reached his retirement age.
Article 72 says, “The Chief Justice and the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court and judges of subordinate courts of record shall be retired at the age of seventy.”
As dignitaries witnessed her commissioning ceremony at the Executive Mansion on Thursday, President Weah said, “We are gathered here today on this solemn occasion to commission Her Honor Justice Sie-A-Nyene Gyapay Youh as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Liberia. By so doing, Justice Youh will become only the third female Chief Justice in the 175-year history of our founding as a Republic. She will also become the first female to ascend to this high office of leadership of the Third Branch of Government since 2003, some 19 years ago.”
President Weah’s action, which commissioned her, fulfilled article 54 of the Constitution that was approved by the Senate. The article states that the President shall nominate and, with the consent of the Senate, appoint and commission cabinet ministers, deputy directors, superintendents and so on.
“Your honor, upon my nomination, you have been successfully vetted and confirmed by the Honorable Liberian Senate, following upon which you are now being commissioned by me as evidence of the full confidence and support of the other two branches of our tripartite governance structure,” the President said.

“I have no doubt whatsoever that you have the requisite experience, skills, and qualifications to serve as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Liberia, having due regard to the more than four decades that you have practiced in Liberia as a trial and transactional lawyer, as well as the 9 years that you have served as an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court bench,” he added.
“And so, Madame Chief Justice-Designate, I have the honor to now invite you to come forward, as I fulfill my Constitutional duty to commission you to this high and noble office.”
Yuoh, 67, who took office on Thursday, will be retired at age 70, according to the Constitution. But the President said she is a woman of good reputation.
“It is important to note that, throughout your illustrious career in the practice of law and jurisprudence in Liberia, you have earned a well-deserved reputation of unquestionable character and unimpeachable good judgment,” he said.
The Commissioned Chief Justice said in a joyful tone, “What has just happened here today is not symbolic; it is in consonance with the Constitution of our nation—that is, l have now pledged that l will support, uphold, protect and defend the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Liberia.”
As head of the Judiciary branch of government, she promised to work with the Associates Justices, the National Bar of the Supreme Court of Liberia, the Constitution, and so on.
“The Supreme Court, which is the head of the Judiciary Branch of government—we always comply with the component and vision of article three of the Constitution, that is to coordinate,” she said.
She pledged robust justice dispensation to all, despite critics’ notion that Liberia’s justice system is a rubber stamp—not transparent.
“With the present team of Associate Justices, we reaffirm to administer true justice to the citizens and residents of this Republic without fear or favor.”