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12th commencement graduates of the TAT Teacher Training College

TAT Teacher Training College Graduates 37 Teachers

The TAT Teacher Training College, Bushrod Island, over the weekend graduated about 37 teachers, 14 of whom are females.

   The college offers quality specialized training in early childhood education, child psychology and development, public speaking, teacher leadership skills, educational administration and peace and human rights education, amongst others.

   The school is owned and operated by Rev. Joe Cheyetee Jarwleh, former Assistant Minister, Ministry of Education.

   Speaking to the graduates at the 12th commencement exercise of the college, former Foreign Minister, Dr. Toga G. Mclntosh, told the graduates that Liberia is dying slowly and needs urgent attention for recovery; as such, the country’s development segments and the joints that glue them together and make them useful were in pool conditions. Secondly, he said, the diplomatic relations and respect the world had for Liberia were eroding fast before its own eyes day by day.

   “I get little bit confused and buffered whenever the people are constantly told that the development dividends that the Liberian people and nation are witnessing today have never been seen in the nation’s 175-year history,” he stated,

   Dr. Mclntosh said the country’s economy is  malnourished in its DNA and its nourishing ingredients are in short supply in three area such as production which base and activities are very low to make any significant impact, massive corruption with impunity gaining prominence with self-inflicted wounds and lastly the economy is inadvertently attended to in terms of supporting policies, strategies, and programs.

    He pointed out that failure to tackle and improve on these three areas forcefully, strategically and intelligently would only worsen the pains, aches and agony of Liberia.

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