The CDC Deep, Deep Rooted Divide: The Search For Darius Dillon’s Competitor

Sen. Darius Dillon [above] along with the possible candidates for the CDC primary for Montserrado County

The CDC political system is a configuration of primarily young local men and women from all walks of Liberia’s downtrodden lifestyle. It has been established as the predominant view, and no matter how much ill-gotten wealth and property they amass and how dressed up for the occasion they seem, they are always viewed and will always be viewed as the downtrodden, whose primary objective is to lift their brothers and sisters out of the gutters. But since the taste of ill-gotten wealth and unlimited power began, the gang has now turned on one another, destroying the party’s ability to succeed itself.

   Today in Liberia, the media (print, electronic and social) are clustered with the conspiracy theory of the possible assassination plot of Senator Abraham Darius Dillon and Representative Yekeh Kolubah, both of Montserrado County, by higher-ups in the CDC administration. It is being circulated in the circle of those endowed with state powers that Senator Dillon and Representative Kolubah are the two major obstacles of the CDC administration’s regaining control of the political melting pot of the Republic of Liberia, Montserrado County, which hosts the country’s capital, Monrovia.

   It is also a known and undisputed fact that any political party that controls the capital, Monrovia, controls the entire Republic. With the CDC administration’s popularity hitting rock-bottom due to desertion of the suffering masses, which propelled them to state power, and the continued media report of amassing ill-gotten wealth through the looting of state coffers for them, their girlfriends and their families, the CDC administration seems to be desperate and willing to go at any length to regain political control over the capital, even if it means assassinating their political rivals. But such desperation seems far-fetched and the theory that says “the end justifies the means” seems unlikely, owing to the fact that any attempt on the lives of Dillon and Kolubah will no doubt lead to civil unrest and disturbance.

Now the dice is cast and the quest for a competitor to defeat Senator Dillon is at hand, but the CDC administration is split down the middle between Minister Wilson K. Tarpeh and Representative Thomas Fallah. The unfortunate situation is that the President of the Republic of Liberia and the first partisan of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), George Manneh Weah, is watching the unfolding confusion from a distance because of his insistence during the previous election that his candidate, Paulita Wie, be accepted to run against Dillon for the senatorial seat of Montserrado County, to replace the late Senator Geraldine Doe-Sheriff, but she was disgracefully and miserably defeated.

   Now that the quiet storm is blowing in the CDC’s quest to find a suitable candidate to regain Montserrado County, a committee of highly-placed government officials, including the Minister of Finance and Development Planning and the Minister of State for Presidential Affairs, was set up to come up with a competitor to Senator Dillon. The committee, looking deep within its ranks, decided to approach the Minister of Commerce, Wilson Tarpeh, as the senatorial candidate for Montserrado County. Apparently, the committee membership left out the Chairman of the CDC, Mulbah K. Morlu, who has a plan of his own.

CDC Chairman, Mulbah K. Morlue

According to a committee member spoken to by the Hot Pepper, Minister Tarpeh was summoned and approached about the possibility of becoming a senatorial candidate for Montserrado County. According to the source, the possibility was concretized, with two major appendices: one, that Montserrado County be overwhelmingly supported which, according to the source, was approved by the committee members; and two, that there should be no competitor for the position at the CDC primary—a white ballot be caste, if in fact there would be a primary.

    The appendices were agreed upon, and a budget of US$3,500,000 (three million five hundred thousand United States dollars) were seemingly agreed upon to take Montserrado County out of the hands of the opposition.

Unfortunately for the committee, Chairman Mulbah Morlu had his own game plan, playing his cards very close to his chest. With the help of Senator Saah Joseph, Representative Acarious Moses Gray and Representative Thomas Fallah, Chairman Morlu’s plan, which runs contrary to the Executive Mansion’s grand plan, is now posting a major threat to the CDC winning back Montserrado County and has further widened the already incurable divide in the party. If caution is not exercised, political pundits believe, this situation may lead to the premature demise and disintegration of a political party once dribbled as the masses party.

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