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War Crimes Court Campaigners Observe International Justice Day

The human rights community and war and economic crimes court campaigners on Wednesday, July 17, 2024 commemorated the International Day of Justice in Liberia.

   In a statement on the observance of the International Justice Day, the Lead Campaigner of the Coalition for the Establishment of War and Economic Crimes Courts in Liberia (CEWAECCL) and National Secretary General of the Civil Society Human Rights Advocacy Platform of Liberia, Adama K. Dempster, said the year 2024 marks a significant milestone for Liberia, as the country commemorates the day under the theme, “Bridging Gaps, Building Alliances”. He said the theme highlights the importance of collaboration and partnership in addressing global challenges and promoting social justice.

    According to Dempster, the day also aligns with Liberia’s on-going efforts towards establishing a war and economic crimes court, as reflected in the adoption of a joint resolution and Executive Order #131 by the National Legislature and the Executive, a measure designed to hold alleged perpetrators accountable for serious human rights abuses and ensure accountability for war and economic criminals after 20+ years since the end of the Liberian civil wars.

   “On this International Justice Day, the Coalition for the Establishment of War and Economics Crimes Court in Liberia call for a more transparent vetting process inclusive of key stakeholders, human rights actors, civil society, women groups, victim groups and the Liberia national Bar Association for the selection of the head of the WECC office. A mere political appointment diminishes the credibility of the process and undermines the possibility of global support.

   “We would like to remind Liberians and international community, that we remain resolved in the cardinal principle that no person is above the law and remain unwavering that people who perpetrated heinous crimes during Liberia’s civil wars shall be held accountable,” the statement noted.

   According to the statement, “On this day, July 17, 26 years ago, 120 countries adopted the Rome Statute, a treaty creating the International Criminal Justice (ICC). State Parties assembled declared July 17 to be celebrated globally as the World Day for International Justice. This day serves as a rallying point for people working towards the promotion and protection of international criminal justice, as well as showing support for the International Criminal Court’s crucial work.”

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