“Weah-Taylor Ticket Deserves Another Term”–Say Nimba Citizens


A group of Nimba citizens, “Nimba for Weah 2023”, says it is of the strong conviction that the Weah-Taylor ticket deserves another opportunity through an overwhelming democratic process, as the Constitution of Liberia gives the opportunity of two terms.

   The National Chairperson of the group, Shadrach G. Thomas Dokie, at a press conference Tuesday, March, 21, 2023, held in the administrative hall of Peace Island, Congo Town, said the second term will enable them to complete all the on-going development projects and activities.

   According to Dokie, this is the effort of conscious minded Nimbaians at home and abroad to ensure a one-round resounding victory for the Weah-Taylor ticket, in realization of their quest for re-election with a vision for nation building.

   “In appreciation of, and in order to enhance their already impressive efforts, we believe that by giving them our support for a successful second term through a convincing re-election bid will enhance our on-going development as we envisage more development in fulfillment of the ‘Pro-poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD)’,” Dokie continued.

   He said, “Nimba! Kwai Keh” (which means “Nimba, Let’s Do It.”) was birthed on February 15, 2023 and the first acquaintance program was organized in Gompa City, Nimba County, on February 25, 2023. It brought together over 6,000 elders from across the county in support of His Excellency, “Saye Kozee” Ambassador Dr. George Manneh Weah.

   According to him, the group is a political national grassroot campaign organization that will be structured across the nine (9) electoral districts of Nimba County, with representatives across the fourteen (14) counties and the diaspora, as Nimbaians enjoy the full benefits of the Constitutional provision of freedom of association.

   “It was established considering the numerous on-going developments and benefits we enjoy from the government under the leadership of His Excellency Ambassador George Manneh Weah initiated for the people of the county and country at large, ranging from road connectivity and safe drinking water to stable electricity, human resource development, with emphasis on education and economic empowerment.

   He added, “It is only befitting to give the Weah-Taylor ticket another term of office to ensure that Liberia maintains this unprecedented path of development with emphasis on the peace and stability we enjoy as a county and nation at large.”

   The Mission, Chairperson Dokie noted, is to get eligible grassroot voters to vote for Dr. Weah for President come October 10, 2023 by rallying and convincing citizens and residents of Nimba across the length and breadth of Liberia, as well as the diaspora, for this will lead to more empowerment, development and stability.

   He mentioned that “Nimba for Weah 2023” will promote its activities using both electronic and print media, and that the following types of media activities will be developed to enhance the work of the organization: Jingles which promote the organization’s messages, radio and TV talk shows, flyers for massive distribution throughout Nimba County, using the door-to-door dissemination approach, and develop social media platforms.

   Other means include preparing news articles for publication in local newspapers and airing on community radios, holding public discussions in ataye shops and intellectual forums, organizing competitive sporting activities, offering prizes to students with high academic performance, promoting peace-building activities with law enforcement agencies’ participation, utilize motorbike riders to disseminate leaflets/flyers into communities on bike rental basis. This provides a source of income to the riders and promotes the message of economic empowerment.

   “We are glad to inform you that ‘Nimba For Weah 2023’ will be Initially launched in Monrovia, Montserrado County, and subsequently officially launch in Gompa City, Nimba County,” he stated.

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