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10,000 Youth Digital Skills Project To Be Probed

The House of Representatives has voted for its Committee on Post and Telecommunication to further probe the Board of Commissioners (BOC) of the Liberia Telecommunications Authority (LTA) on its Digital Skill Project, aimed to training up to 10,000 young people in a number of digital skills in six (6) mouths.

   The House’s decision Tuesday followed a power-point presentation by Commissioner General Edwina Crump Zackpac about the empowerment of about 10,000 youths from the 15 counties through diverse digital skills training.

   Commissioner Zackpac said the training will cover a range of essential skills, and Liberians who are trained will gradually become digital citizens.

   “Digital transformation is a significant step towards building the nation and making our future brighter,” Zackpac said.

   After the presentation of the LTA Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners, the House of Representatives agreed that details of the “ways and means, including recruitment and venue for training, among others, be discussed in committee’s room and be subsequently conveyed to the august body on next Tuesday.”

   The LTA’s presentation was triggered by a communication from Maryland County’s district #1 Representative, P. Mike Jury.

   Representative Jury recounted President Joseph Nyumah Boakai, Sr.’s State-of-the-Nation Address and plan to expand the economy. He said President Boakai promised to leverage information communication technology (ICT) in creating jobs, especially for Liberian youth.

   “To achieve this, my administration will train up to 10,000 young people in various digital skills in the first half of 2024,” the lawmaker quoted the President as saying.

   According to the lawmaker, in this regard to achieve the laudable policy established by the President, time is of essence.

   “It is important that LTA gives the people’s deputies a clear strategy and how inclusive it will be to cover the nation,” he added.

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