150 Young Liberians Begin AML Phase II Process Operator Training in Yekepa


ArcelorMittal Liberia has commenced process operator training for the first batch of 150 selected applicants from communities in Bong, Nimba, and Grand Bassa counties.

    The 150 young people were selected in 2022 during the AML bulk recruitment exercise carried out in the three counties in which its mining activities are located.

   Last year, ArcelorMittal Liberia began soliciting applications from potential individuals in Grand Bassa, Bong, and Nimba counties with the intent to train them as process operators to work at the concentrator plant, that is currently under construction in Yekepa as part of the company’s Phase II expansion.

   Over that period, more than 2,000 applicants poured in from various communities in the three counties and underwent a series of assessments to determine their suitability for the training program.

   From the list of top performers, 150 candidates have been inducted for the training, and will receive a monthly allowance to cover their basic needs during the period of their training.

   After a few months of training, successful participants will have a chance to be absorbed into the ArcelorMittal Liberia workforce as process operators in different capacities when the concentrator is fully operating and producing premier iron ore.

   In the processing stage, the mined material is transformed into usable raw material. For iron ore, this involves crushing the ore and then concentrating it in different ways, for example by milling, flotation, or magnetic separation. 

   Darius Wonyen, Mining Engineer working with AML, told the trainees at an induction program recently that the concentrator will be the largest in West Africa and is expected to upgrade the iron (Fe) content in Liberia’s ore.

   For his part, Greg Hudson, Project Learning and Development Manager, said the training is a great opportunity for Liberians and they must devote their time and commitment and avoid distractions and behavior that could undermine their pursuit of a vocation in the mining industry.

   Hudson, while underscoring the importance of the training, warned that anyone who will exhibit bad behavior or is found under the influence of alcohol or drug will be dropped from the training initiatives. 

   Meanwhile, the Head of Human Resources for Organizational Development, Rose Kingston, congratulated the successful applicants but reminded the trainees of the rigor of their recruitment and selection process from a huge number of applicants.  She emphasized that “discipline” is an indispensable aspect of the training and that the successful trainees for the leadership program should embrace that.

   She said, “You have been successful, and you need to put in your best effort. 

   “Stay together in the learning process and share with one mind; discipline is important, and you must commit yourselves to it, staying away from ‘they say’ and getting the right information you need to get from here.

   “Remember, when you are striving for greatness, most often you are alone.  You need to make some positive sacrifices and associate with people of the same mind and same values.”

   The 150 trainees are divided into three groups with 50 taken at a time.  The first group of 50 is expected to go through one-month induction to get some specific technical information, and afterward will go through sessions of training for some months and take field trips for visual and practical learning. 

   When that is complete, the second batch of 50 will go through the same process till everyone is trained.

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