255 Residents To Benefit From RAP Payment In River Gee


Following the signing of the Fish Town-Kelipo Corridor Road Project (20km) between the Government of Liberia (GOL) and the African Development Bank (AfDB), the Government of Liberia (GOL), with funding from the National Road Fund has commenced the payment of US$854,788.55 for 255 project-affected persons (PAPs) along the corridor.

   The Fish Town-Kelipo project is the Mano River Union Road Development and Transport Facilitation Program (MRU/RDTFP) Second Phase, which seeks to link Fish Town with an Ivorian Border Town, Kelipo.

   Leading the RAP delegation is the Director for Resettlement Action Plan, Ministry of Public Works, Amando Paye, who expressed satisfaction over the level of cooperation amongst the team, project affected persons and authorities of River Gee County headed by Superintendent Philip Nyeuh.

   The delegation comprises personnel from the Ministry of Public Works, National Road Fund Office, the Project Implementation Unit (PIU), amongst others.    For his part, River Gee County Superintendent, Philip Nyeuh, lauded the delegation for the professional interaction, and promised the county’s fullest support as the payment process continues.

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