LACC To Prosecute NEC Boss For Corruption


Investigation conducted by the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission has found the Chairperson of the National Elections Commission (NEC), Cllr. Davidetta Browne-Lansanah, blameworthy for acts ranging from conflict of interest, corruption to insider trading and market manipulation, with subsequent indictment for her prosecution to be drawn soon.

   In early November 2021, it was reported that officials of the National Elections Commission (NEC) rented thermometers at the cost of more than US$180,000 for use during the by-elections, and that there were conflict of interest in the award of the contract to Tuma Enterprises, as they did not follow procurement regulations and did not regard the value for money.

   According to the LACC, these allegations formed the basis for the commencement of investigation into the matter.

   The Executive Chairperson of the LACC, Cllr. Edwin Kla Martins, told newsmen that the LACC investigation found that Cllr. Browne-Lansanah did not disclose her interest in Tuma Enterprises while presiding over the Procurement Committee of the NEC.

   “During the investigation, Madame Davidetta Browne Lansanah admitted and confirmed to the investigation that Mr. David Brown, Vice President for Operations of Tuma Enterprises, is her brother from the same father, while Arnold Badio, owner and incorporator of Tuma Enterprise Inc., is a brother to David Browne from the same mother,” the LACC boss disclosed.

   According to him, the National Elections Commission also awarded Certificate of Completion to Tuma Enterprises on October 24, 2021 and paid a full amount of US$182,320, while the stipulated date for the contract to end was November 20, 2021.

   However, the LACC investigation observed that, in the discharge of her duties as Chairperson of the NEC and head of the entity’s procurement committee, Cllr. Davidetta Browne Lansanah knew full well of her vested interest (relationship) in the Tuma Enterprise Inc. but vehemently refused to make it known to her fellow Commissioners or to the Procurement Committee; as such, found her liable of the crimes and not the entire NEC.

   The NEC boss was found liable of Section 1.3.6 (Conflict of Interest) of the National Code of Conduct for all Public Officials and Employees of the Government of Liberia (GOL); Part II, Section 2.2 of the Act establishing the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission, which describes insider trading as an act of corruption; and also in violation of section 15.3 (predicate offenses for money laundering under section 15.2 of the Money Laundering Act of 2012), which prohibits insider trading and market manipulation.

   Cllr. Martin disclosed that subsequent indictment will soon be drawn for the NEC boss for court prosecution.

LACC Boss, Cllr. Edwin Kla Martins

   In his year-end press briefing yesterday, the LACC boss informed newsmen that the anti-corruption body has concluded a number of investigations, including the corruption allegations at the Port of Buchanan and the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC), with both awaiting indictment on those found liable for corruption and financial impropriety.

   The LACC investigations could not however establish criminal liability on the part of the Managing Director of the National Transit Authority (NTA), Herbie Mccauley, the Managing Director of the Liberia Airport Authority (LAA), Bishop John Allen Klayee, Chief Financial Officer of RIA, George Yuoh, and other members of the senior management of the two entities. Meanwhile, the LACC says it will issue Certificate of Clearance to the public officials of RIA & NTA for complying with the full-scale investigation.

   Cllr. Martins disclosed that the investigation on the Vice Chairperson of the LACC, Cllr. Kanio Bai Gbala, is still on-going, and that the public will be informed when the investigation is concluded.

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