Anti-Rape Campaigner Threatens Nationwide Strike


A leading anti-rape campaigner, March For Justice, is threatening a major nationwide strike action if President George M. Weah does intervene in the reported rape of a seven-year-old girl at the Liberian Embassy in Abuja, the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

   During a press conference held in Monrovia on Wednesday, December 16, 2021, Titus B. Pakalah, who read a press statement on behalf of the group, called for the immediate dismissal of Ambassador Al-Hassan Conteh from his position as Ambassador to Nigeria for compromising the rape case of little Bayjay, even when medical record proves that this child was raped.

  “However, we want to make this public clarion that if the Feminist-In-Chief, President George M. Weah, does not intervene into this rape matter, which involves a 7-year-old child, within 48 hours, we will gather thousands of young people across Liberia to have a major nation-wide strike,” he said.

   Last week, media headlines were dominated by the shocking revelation of Nat Bayjay, Minister Counselor for Press and Public Affairs, who reported the alleged multiple sexual abuse of his seven-year-old daughter on the premises of the Liberian Embassy in Abuja by two teenagers who were under the guidance of another diplomat. He has since called on President Weah for his personal intervention, which would enable his reportedly abused child to have access to justice and her mental and physical health, allegedly declining, taken care of immediately. 

   At the same time,  the March For Justice campaigner is warning the government of President Weah to abandon what they describe as an “evil plan”: contemplating to appoint Ambassador Al-Hassan Conteh as Liberia’s Ambassador to the United Nations in New York. “We monitored the Spoon Talk’s edition of December 15, 2021 (last night), in which the panelists made the startling revelation that the CDC led-administration is considering sending Ambassador Conteh to replace Ambassador Dee Maxwell Kemeyah at the UN. We need not remind anyone of the unresolved sexual scandal still at our UN Mission—that we would again want to send yet another ambassador who has become a serious ‘cover-up in chief’ of sexual abuse…”

   Pakalah earlier asserted that his group monitored Bayjay’s revelation during his appearance on the Spoon Talk last week, in which he disclosed that Ambassador Conteh had previously covered up another sexual molestation on the same diplomatic premises prior to his baby’s alleged abuse. “This makes him an ambassador who specializes in covering up rape!” the group disclosed.

   Since Bayjay went public over a week ago, there has been public pressure for Ambassador Conteh to be recalled. The public has also been demanding that the reported abused child’s welfare is taken care of, which Bayjay said has been abandoned by the Ambassador, the guardians and parents of the alleged perpetrators, as well as the government here in Monrovia.

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