Breaking The Curse: Elders & Chiefs Receive Mobility For The First Time Since 1847


In fulfillment of his nationwide county tour’s promise last year when he broke the storms of bad road conditions and chatted with traditional leaders, President George Manneh Weah, on Tuesday, January 25, 2022 fulfilled his promise to them by giving the traditional leaders of every county ten bikes, two pick-ups and an ambulance to carry out the government’s mandate. At the occasion marking the turnover ceremony, the elders and chiefs of the entire fifteen political subdivisions of the country pledged their support for the President’s second-term bid, with the leverage of finding his successor in 2029; writes Ojuku Silver-tongue Kangar, Jr.

   Finally breaking the curse of elders and traditional leaders not owning cars since the foundation of the country, President Weah said, “Today we are here to deliver vehicles and bikes—a promise l made during my county your. To my elders and chiefs, yesterday l spoke to the nation that l would maintain the peace. I spoke for 2 hours and 35 minutes. Everything l spoke of came from my heart.”

   During last year’s county tour, President Weah held 70 town hall meetings with the citizens of the 15 counties and keenly considered their plight placed before him. According to the President, the elders and chiefs asked him for two motorbikes and a car for each county, but he said their request was little and would go beyond it. 

   “I am doing it so you can be mobile and move freely in carrying out your work. We have to complete government. You don’t have to come to government when you need something,” the President said.

   “On behalf of the government and in my own name, behind me are the cars and bikes l promised you.”

   The President’s gesture to ease transportation difficulty the elders and chiefs have had since Liberia’s foundation has come under strong critic by the government’s opposition, but the President berated their argument.

   “You spent 12-years and didn’t buy car for the elders and chiefs, and l am doing it in 4 years of my tenure,” he told the people against the elders and chiefs’ blessings. “When people want something, they should praise the person and should not condemn.”

   Earlier, Health Minister Williamina Jallah thanked the President and said, “Liberia needs 135 ambulances to cover the 15 counties. Ministry of Health and Social Welfare has currently has 60 ambulances, plus the 15 the President is giving will equate to 75. We are appealing for the balance 60 ambulances.”

   As the President broke the curse of traditional elders and chiefs’ transportation curse-impairment, paramount chiefs of the fifteen counties, including Liberia’s Chief Zoe, Elder Zanzar Karwor, who graced the program with joy, pledged their unflinching support for his second-term bid, 2023, saying he should lie down and not worry; they will carry him up to 2029.

   “We the chiefs will use the cars and bikes for the intended purpose,” Bomi County’s Paramount Chief said, with a smile. “Jubilation is going on in Bomi. 2029, bring someone to us to lead Liberia.”

   “If it is left with my one, Liberia must change the Constitution for the President to be forever,” Margibi County’s Paramount Chief said, rejoicing that they will no longer use hammock as means of transportation. “President Weah, you’re telling us traditional leaders will benefit from the taxes they pay?”

   “Your name is a rock: if you fall on anyone he or she will crack, if anyone falls on you he or she will crack,” River Cess County’s Paramount Chief, Kofi Zack branded President Weah. “Go and sleep, you took country people from hammock to car. You will live forever”.

   “We haven’t seen such a President before. Paramount Chiefs will own cars?” Grand Bassa County’s Paramount Chief, Edward Garmah, said in unbelief.

   “If a man is who not married goes into the bush and kills a red deer and gives it to a woman to cook, will she mean him after cooking? No! We have taken the President’s deer,” Chief Karwor said, informing his counterparts to re-elect the President in 2023. “You have taken us from walking-by-line to car owners.”

   “Don’t worry, go and sleep my son. We are for you from now to 2023 ending. Cars and bikes should be used for government’s purpose, and not opposition. Don’t use the cars to welcome any political parties.”

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