Atty. Thomas Launches PISFF To Benefit School-Going Kids


A group, Paynesville Inter-Schools Funfair Festival (PISFF), to promote academic goal and honor students for excellent performance in quizzing, debate, and other competitions, has been launched by Atty. Michael Thomas for over 28 junior and senior high schools.

   “I am actually a gladiator in the world of academia. Let me officially pledge my unending and unbending support to this organization,” Atty. Thomas said, giving his unflinching support to the cheerful students.

   PISFF, a conglomerate of teachers,  students and faculties of junior and senior high schools, is established to promote the best quizzing teams, quizzers, debate teams, debaters, musicians, among others, according to Ebenezer J. Barter, the visionary of the organization.

   Before the formation of PISFF, several academic organizations that established and promoted the values of education in Paynesville, among schools, died natural deaths and left students without an alternative.

   “Several academic organizations, including Paynesville Inter-Schools Association, potential quizzing competition, among others, went down in the drain,” Bartee said. “Members and leaders of the former organizations were unwilling to work but willing to eat the money.”

   Leaving junior high and high schools in Paynesville vulnerable by the defunct organizations, Atty. Thomas, who is a former quizzer, has reawakened the spirit of academic competition through his financial contribution toward the student community and assured its sustainability.

   “This institution will not die! It will live to explore academic value. We will do it annually,” he said, pledging his support wholeheartedly. “Every step on the way—l will be a part of it and the higher supporter.”

   According to Bartee, Thomas first financed the group with US$450 and later gave US$700, which enabled the entity to reach full operation.

   “To the students, it is often said that too much work without play makes Jack a dull boy. We need to have recreation. This is the plan we have for the district,” Atty. Thomas said.

   According to Thomas, if they as a community work together as a team they will have a big, rich vision for the district. He said, “It is not for politics but for the benefit of the people and future leaders.”

   He mesmerized the student populace, saying leadership ability begins from the school and home. But worldwide, changes in leadership often come from the youthful population, and Liberia’s change depends on the preparation of the current generation through education.

   “Education is a very long journey,” Thomas said. “We want you to be the change that we need in this society.

   “Plan your activities in school, because if you fail to plan you will plan to fail. Because you planned, you are in uniform and not elsewhere misbehaving.”

   Comforting the students, the district #4 Representative-hopeful said the students are not alone; rather, God is with them. With a smile, he launched the program, saying, “With the power in me vested l launch this organization, and it has my support.”

   Meanwhile, the Public Relations Officer (PRO) of Michael Thomas Alliance, Lionel Weah, said the organization’s mobile clinic, which is currently serving community dwellers, will benefit students in the district very soon. He added that the quest of the student community is the Alliance’s heartbeat.

   In an ecstatic mood, several students spoken with welcomed the academic movement and thanked the Thomas Foundation for being supportive of education.

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