NEC Gender Section Concludes Training


The Gender Section of the National Elections Commission (NEC) Friday concluded the second in a series of a one-day pre-training with representatives from civil society organizations, government ministries, agencies and commissions on the implementation of the Violence Against Women in Election and Politics (VAWIE/P) Protocol, and its action plan in Monrovia.

   The NEC Gender Section’s VAWIE/P pre-training was held in partnership with the United Nations Women Organization (UN Women) and Canada, under the theme, “Promoting Inclusive and Safe Environment for the Participation of Women in Politics”.

   The pre-training on the VAWIE Protocol for civil society organizations, government ministries, agencies and commission as well as political parties discussed the strategic objectives of the protocol, including public awareness promotion on the democratic values and gender equity, focusing on rural areas and traditional leaders.

   The two separate pre-trainings also discussed the engagement and mobilization of security agencies and the Judiciary on their roles in ensuring the peaceful, transparent, free and fair electoral processes throughout the country. Strengthening the implementation of the VAWIEP Protocol and existing corresponding, aligned laws and politics were also discussed at the local hotel in Sinkor.

   A total of 75 persons representing executives of political parties, coalitions and alliances, civil society organizations, government ministries, agencies and commissions participated in the two separate pre-trainings.

   Meanwhile, the Gender Section of the NEC will on Monday, March 28, 2022 officially launch the Violence against Women in Elections and Politics Protocol and its Action Plan at the Monrovia Christian Fellowship Church, 9th Street, Sinkor.

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