MANCO Donates US$25,000 To Disadvantaged Youths


The General Manager of Mano Manufacturing Company (MANCO), Assad Fadel, has made a cash donation of US$25,000 toward the rehabilitation of at-risk youths in the country. Fadel made the donation at the official program aimed at raising money to rehabilitate disadvantaged youths, known as “zogoes”.

   Following the national fund drive of the at-risk youths’ rehabilitation and empowerment program, held at Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Ministerial Complex, Fadel praised the Government of Liberia (GOL) for the engagement to rehabilitate the at-risk-youths from various ghettoes in Montserrado County.

   Speaking at the one-day conference on Thursday, June 30, 2022, Fadel said the company is prepared to employ the at-risk youth that will graduate from the rehabilitation program.

  He noted, “We have been planning and working along with the Ministry of Youth and Sports to help the young people of Liberia.”

   The government is raising US$13.9 million to help rehabilitate the disadvantaged youths over ten year’s period. The government, though President George M. Weah, made an initial contribution of US$1 million.

   According to Fadel, today the name “zogo” has been changed to a better name that people can recognize them as a better person in society.

   He said MANCO’s doors remain open to help the Ministry of Youth and Sports in helping to develop the minds of the at-risk-youth in Liberia.

   “MANCO remains prepared to sponsor those at-risk-youth that will graduate from the rehabilitation program to any university in Liberia.

    “I consider myself a ‘citizen by choice’ of Liberia,” Fadel said.

   He disclosed that MANCO has planned to extend working hands with the Minister of Youth and Sports, Hon. Zeogar D. Wilson.

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