Former Wells-Hairston Students United For Pres. Weah 2023 Launched


A group of former students of the Wells-Hairston High School, under the banner, “Former Students of the Wells-Hairston High School United for President George Weah 2023”, has been formally launched at the Wells-Hairston High School, Mechlin Street, Monrovia.

   Speaking at the formal launch of the program, the Organizing Chairman, Paul M. Bordoe, a former classmate of President Weah (1985—1987), said the group was launched in recognition of the President’s enormous work since he took over as President of the country.

   Bordoe said the payment of WAEC/WASSCE fees and the free tuition for all students at state-run universities and colleges are very significant and, as such, there was a need for all voting-age students in various universities, high school and colleges to vote President Weah come 2023 presidential election.

   He stated that President Weah should be voted for because of the significant developmental initiatives he has undertaken: road connectivity, electricity, pipe borne water, among others. He then called on other well-meaning formal Wells-Hairston students to join the organization.

   For his part, the Minister of Post and Telecommunication, Cllr. Cooper Kruah, through a proxy, the Special Assistant to the Minister, Summerhill J.K. Karzon, lauded the group for organizing the program, and called on them to re-elect President George Weah for his good work for the Liberian people.

   Karzon said President Weah’s administration has carried out several developmental initiatives; therefore, Liberians should re-elect him.

   According to him, under President Weah’s administration the first ever cybercrime law was passed, which ensures the protection of private communication accounts, with consequences for violators. 

   Meanwhile, the student populace, mainly students of the Wells-Hairston High School and public schools, have commended the group, and promised to vote for President Weah come 2023.

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