“Protest Is Not The Way Out”–Aspirant Massaquoi Tells District #17 Residents


A huge number of district#17 residents are said to be planning a protest today, February 13, 2023, at major points in the district, Monsterrado County.

   According to information gathered, the aggrieved citizens’ protest is predicated upon the lack of electricity within the district. According to them, for too long residents of district #17 have suffered from the lack of electricity.

   Aspirant Harris Massaquoi told the Hot Pepper that he wrote the management of the Liberia Electricity Cooperation (LEC) about the electricity status of the district and the LEC management promised to resolve all  issues involved in the provision of electricity to the district before March 15, 2023.

   Against this response from the LEC, Aspirant Massaquoi  said he wants district #17 residents to give the LEC management until March 15 to address the matter.

   He said if the management refuses to resolve the matter by March 15, he himself will support the protest.

   According to him, Liberia is at the crossroad, and protest is therefore not always the solution to national issues.

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