CDC Condemns Attacks at the Home of Cllr. Gloria Musu Scott; Calls for Speedy Investigation


The Mighty Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) has condemned, in the strongest possible terms, the recent attack at the home of former Chief Justice, Cllr. Gloria Musu Scott, an incident that led to the untimely death of a family member and severe bodily injuries to another. “This act of depravity must not find a place in our society,” the CDC said in a press release.

   “However and unfortunately some politicians and adversaries of the government are using the tragic events to score political points. Accordingly, from the perspective of the Mighty Coalition for Democratic Change, we call on all Liberians to respect the family of Cllr. Scott and to sympathize with them during this devastating period of their grief and avoid politicizing the tragic events.

   “The CDC also calls on the Ministry of Justice, the Liberia National Police and all security entities to join forces and deploy their best resources to speedily, fairly, and adequately conduct an investigation in this matter. While the investigation is ongoing, we appeal to all Liberians, especially our fellow citizens in the Opposition, to desist from making false claims that the unfortunate acts were the results of the failure of the Government to provide protection and are efforts to witch-hunt adversaries.  This is far from the truth. The Administration of His Excellency, Dr. George Manneh Weah, does not have one political prisoner and have never engaged in political witch-hunting.  Subsequently, we appeal to our citizens to await the outcome of the investigation,” the release stated.

   According to the release, “In the wake of these tragic events, there are unscrupulous individuals in foreign countries, who make outlandish, baseless and unsubstantiated claims about Liberia and senior officials of our government, amongst others. We believe that the sole intent of these outrageous comments is to instigate chaos, spread falsehood, and ferment instability especially towards the 2023 General and Presidential elections. We call upon foreign governments where these accusations are being fomented especially  in those countries,  which  have contributed hugely to our political, democratic, infrastructural, and economic development to be aware of the potential danger these unfounded claims can impact our domestic stability. Too much has been invested to protect and preserve our peace by our international partners.

   “His Excellency, President George Weah, is an epitome of peace and reconciliation who, in his entire lifetime, has busy himself with putting smiles on the faces of his people while espousing the rights of everyone to freely express themselves and associate. To circumvent these hallmark attributes of the regime which has kept Liberia on a steady course democratically is disingenuous, selfish, and unpatriotic.

   “With particularity, we’re concerned about recent comments by former TRC Commissioner Jerome Verdier linking several top officials of the government to murder at Cllr. Scott’s residence. Appearing on a local talk-show, Cllr Verdier falsely linked the Secretary General of the Mighty Coalition for Democratic Change, Jefferson Koijee, of having connection with the gruesome killing of the daughter of former Chief Justice, Cllr. Gloria Musu Scott.”

   The release continued, “In his continuous hallucinations, packed with innuendos and misrepresentations, he maliciously and falsely concocted a link between the Police Director, Patrick Sudue, Mayor Koijee, Minister Samora Wolokollie, the party’s Vice Chair for Finance and Investment, and many other partisans to the deaths of LRA auditors despite a full investigation report establishing otherwise. He once again, without any evidence, lied on these officials about being connected to the murder of Cllr. Scott’s daughter.

   “This is a political ploy wickedly crafted to weaken the Weah-led government and put the masses against key actors within the system. Hence, we call on the police and the Ministry of Justice to request the US government to investigate Mr. Verdier or turn him over to the Liberian authorities for interrogation regarding his inciteful comments.

   “This is not the first occasion of Verdier’s ill will statements against Mayor Koijee. It took other TRC Commissioners to dispel his lies in 2019 that Mayor Koijee participated in the erstwhile fourteen years civil unrest as a Child Soldier. He is yet to apologize for those comments out of shame and humiliation. We cannot allow such creeping menace to continued unabated. These outlandish comments have the propensity to incite violence and create chaos in our society.

   “Henceforth, if Jerome Verdier has any evidence, we call upon him to present such to the Liberia National Police or other authorities in all jurisdictions.

   “Where applicable, we will use legal recourse in ensuring that miscreants like Jerome Verdier are available to face the weight of the law and for the truth to be established.  The Party’s legal team are evaluating all options. As a party of law and respect for the principles of democratic governance, we will await the result of the investigation and consider further actions in exercising the rights of the party and partisans and seek the appropriate and available remedy.”

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