Justice Minister Or “Cocaine Kingpins’” Collaborator?


“El Chapo”, the notorious Mexican drugs “Lord” was on the run for many years, and he successfully evaded arrests on countless occasions because he had “collaborators” well situated within the Mexican political establishment who were aiding and abetting his activities—until he was caught pants down during a purported interview set up by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

   Today, “El Chapo” is in prison in the United States of America but his schemes and operational trademarks of hiring powerful forces at the epic-center of power to do his bidding seemed to have been cleverly copied by the likes of Bilal Abraham, George Abi Jaoudi and their TRH  business center, which is credited for importing what the Justice Ministry’s  indictment terms as “dangerous drugs into Liberia”.

   Incredibly, George Abi Jaoudi, Bilal Abraham and his wife are the new “Cocaine Kingpins” on the block but are beyond the reach of the law because the Minister of Justice and Attorney-General, Frank Musah Dean Jr., has allegedly become their “Collabo”, is allegedly on their payroll and has allegedly perfectly shielded them from any criminal investigation.

   An investigation conducted by the Hot Pepper quoted an insider at the Liberia National Police (LNP) as saying that the Inspector-General of Police, Patrick Sudue, is deeply annoyed, and there is serious disagreement between his office and the Ministry of Justice regarding the way the entire drug case has been handled.

   “My brother, the police hierarchy has been holding closed doors meetings for hours after hours, thinking of what to say or do, but the Justice Ministry is really on their necks not to say anything to the contrary,” a police source told this paper.

   “Our chief wants to talk, but the Minister of Justice told him to channel everything through him to avoid confusion. He even told our chief that nothing will come out of the Charloe Musu case as long as he is Justice Minister,” the source continued.

   Efforts to contact the Inspector-General on both his private and police-assigned numbers proved futile. But information gathered revealed that there is serious dissent within the police as a result of the alleged instruction from the Justice Minister that no police officer should put foot at the offices of TRH, let alone investigate George Abi Jaoudi and Bilal Abraham and his wife on the US$100 million cocaine case.

   “Minister Dean said he himself will investigate the US$100 million cocaine case and the murder of Charloe Musu,” a source close to the Justice Minister hinted this paper.

   The investigation further revealed that TRH is not solely concerned with importing frozen foods into the country, but rather dangerous drugs such as cocaine and heroin, which were secretly sold on the black market to people during the presence of UNMIL in Liberia.

   A source who claimed to have heard about the secret behind the setting up of TRH said George Abi Jauodi, Bilal Abraham and his wife have a number of powerful individuals in the society on their payroll, which is why TRH is given “special privilege” to bring in goods at any time—without inspection by customs officials.

   “My brother, we are told not to inspect any goods brought into this country by George Abi Jaoudi and Bilal Abraham,” said a custom source.

   Sources at the home of the Liberian leader told this paper that the President is very embarrassed by the current behavior of the Minister of Justice—allegedly covering up for drug barons and shielding them from criminal investigation.

   This paper has reliably learnt that there are strong indicators that the President is most likely expected to appoint a special independent counsel to probe the drug case.

   “Musa Dean called the President the whole of last night but the President did not pick up his calls for fear of being seen as answering the calls of drug collaborators,” a source alleged to this paper.

   This paper made several attempts to contact Abi Jaoudi and Abraham, but to no avail.

   Meanwhile, there are strong indicators that the Supreme Court is most likely expected to come down hard on the Justice Minister in a manner that could lead to his indefinite suspension or disbarment. Investigation continues.

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