Senate Pro-Tempore Warns Legislative Staffers; Responds To Accusation of Donating Vehicles To UP


The Pro-tempore of the Liberian Senate, Prof. Albert Tugbe Chie, has warned staffers of the National Legislature to desist from holding political party activities on the ground of the Capitol Building. He said while he cherishes political pluralism, nevertheless, such activities should not be carried out there by their staffers, requesting that all staffers abide by the memorandum to that effect issued by the Director of Security.

   In his first press interaction since the beginning of the second segment of the 6th session of the 54th National Legislature on Tuesday, June 6, 2023, Senator Chie said, “We frown on the holding of political party activities by staffers of the Legislature on the ground of the Capitol Building. While we cherish political pluralism, nevertheless, such activities should not be carried out here by our staffers. We kindly request all staffers to abide by the memorandum to that effect issued by the Director of Security.”

   In his statement, Pro-temp Chie addressed six cardinal issues: election, the economy, national census results, bills in joint committee rooms, staffers holding political party activities on the ground of the Capitol and accusation of donation of vehicles to an opposition political party.

   On election, he said, “As we have reiterated, we commit the Liberian Senate to the promotion of free, fair and transparent elections in October and non-violence leading to these elections. Political actors and the general public should note that election violence has many forms, and making statements which could incite partisans against other partisans or non-partisans or which could incite any member of the general public is no exception; hence, it is prudent to desist from said acts and adopt a violence-free approach that will enhance peace, stability and security for all of us.”

   On the economy, he said, “Since the 2023 National Budget was enacted into law, the Senate has noted signs of a bit of sluggishness in the economy leading to challenges that include depreciation in the exchange rate, little struggle completing payment of salaries on time as well as agencies and institutions complaining of delays in getting funds for their various activities and programs.

   “In view of the above challenges, we discussed these economic matters with the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning and the recent mission from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It has been noted that the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) has not been meeting their quarterly targets. The IMF has also indicated that revenue from customs is not performing despite the increase in the volumes of imports.

   “Slowness in the economy is not strange in an election year in developing countries due to many factors associated with elections, including the laissez faire attitude of taxpayers. The Executive and Legislature are working together to remedy the economic challenges and, hopefully, by the end of July, significant progress will be made. Some of the measures that may have to be taken quickly are to cancel some of the incentive agreements which have been entered into between the government and some private entities, most especially the ones without legislative ratification; and the cancellation of certain duty-free privileges, especially on fuel. There is a forecast of a finance gap in the 2023 national budget in the tone of approximately US$44 million and there are plans to prepare and enact a recast budget in order to cut spending.”

   On the national census results, he disclosed, “LISGIS has written the Senate and indicated that the final census results will be available by the end of this month. Once the results are received, the Legislature will act in accordance with the Constitution and other laws.”

   Reacting to the accusation of donation of vehicles to Unity Party (UP), the Pro-temp said, “On May 16, 2023, if you can recall, I left you with a caveat while delivering my opening statement at this second segment of the sixth session, stating, ‘My fellow Liberians: we are in an election year. Be careful to digest well what you hear and read, before you believe. Political lies, character assassinations, rumors, fabrication with the intent to deceive the masses will be the order of the day.’ Within a fortnight, precisely last week Thursday, the 25th of May 2023, I was appalled by news that social media and a few radio stations have been parading with information alleging that I purchased certain number of vehicles for the Unity Party. Some said eight, others ten, fifteen, and up to twenty-five pickups. Opportunists have just added seventy-three bikes to the list and may add more items before the week ends.

   “This information that I donated vehicles to the UP is totally untrue, baseless, unfounded and has now become a smear campaign to distract the attention of our noble institution, the mighty Congress for Democratic Change (CDC). At no time have I purchased any vehicle for or made donation of any kind, directly or indirectly, or requested any individual or business, directly or indirectly, to make a donation to the Unity Party or any other opposition political party, institution and individual. These lies are said to have started as the result of panic by some persons when information was posted on the social media that the Unity Party had acquired 15 pickups and 73 motorbikes. This situation is now being exploited by some opportunists who are constantly placing more inciting information on social media to confuse and laugh at the CDC and nourish confusion among its rank and file. The opposition Unity Party is quite aware that I have made no donation to its institution.

   “I challenge anyone in this country to provide evidence that I have made a donation of vehicles or nay item, directly or indirectly, to any opposition political party. If you have such evidence, please provide it to the press for publication. I do not sneak and I have no need whatsoever to sneak.

   “Let me state here that I remain committed fully to the CDC and use this opportunity to thank many CDCians and other supporters of the CDC who have expressed, both privately and publicly, that they don’t believe the false allegations against me and have named some of those behind this false accusation and black lie.”

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