For Lying On Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee: Former LISGIS Deputy Director Williams Apologizes; Seeks Forgiveness


Amid the unsubstantiated accusation against the character of Monrovia City Mayor, Jefferson T. Koijee, in less than a week two persons have come out to confess and apologize to the Lord Mayor for being used by opposition politicians to malign his character.

   The latest of them is the former Deputy Director at the Liberia Institute for Statistics and Geo-Information Service (LISGIS), Alex Williams, who has been on the Spoon TV network making statements against the character of Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee.

   Williams was one of those influenced by Stanton Whitherspoon to lie about Jefferson T. Koijee so they could lobby for a possible sanction. Whitherspoon, along with former TRC Commissioner, Jerome Verdier, allegedly lured Alex Williams to resign his position during the census and later arranged for him to travel to the U.S. to serve as a witness to building what they term a possible sanction on Mayor Koijee and the government of Liberia.

   Alex, in his apology via his social media handle, expressed his regret for accepting to ill-discuss Mayor Koijee, which he promised that he would never have done. He apologized to Mayor Koijee for being misled and asked for his forgiveness. “I don’t want to forget the many good he did for me. Koijee is one of the major reasons I am who I am today, and so I want to again publicly use this medium to apologize to him. My father is dead, but I see Koijee more like a father to me. You all may not understand but I am convinced that I should have never discussed anything about him, whether factual or not,” Alex revealed.

   Williams’ apology comes in the wake of another confession by another person who was used by opposition Benoni Urey and Henry Costa to lie on the government and Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee.

   “All the statements I made in 2019 at the headquarters of the National Election Commission (NEC), implicating Koijee in human rights violations and alleging that the CDC government smuggled firearms into the country and stored them on a farm in Gbarnga, were orchestrated by Hon. Benoni Urey. He promised to protect me after making these wide-ranging allegations against the government, but he failed to do so,” Taylor revealed.

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