Pres. Weah Wants Extension In Submission Of 2021 Budget

Pres. George M. Weah

The President of the Republic of Liberia, George Manneh Weah, has requested the plenary of the House of Representatives to grant an extension for the submission of the FY2021 special draft national budget by 15 working days, beginning April 30, 2021.

   According to President Weah’s communication, his letter is due to the on-going negotiation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on issues relating to the recent envelope of the special budget.

   The letter noted that the government does not want to undermine the important role of the IMF in the process.

   “It is therefore my hope that the additional time requested will allow us to address the concerns of the IMF and other stakeholders,” President Weah’s letter stated.

   Plenary noted the communication and turned it over to the House’s Committee on Ways and Means, and agreed to work online with the Executive Branch of government for further actions.

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