“The Need For A Wholesome, Functioning Liberian Society”


SENATOR EDWIN MELVIN Snowe’s proposed legislations, Easter Monday, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, which seek to establish dual holidays for the Christian and Muslim communities of the nation have, as anticipated, become one of the major issues of public concern, running into public criticism and endorsement. Senator Snowe, who no doubt knew he was venturing into controversial ground, has remained firmed in his proposition, providing justification for the proposed legislations.

THE SENATOR HAS addressed the three proposed legislations on social media. In his Facebook post Tuesday, Senator Snowe called the proposed bills “three, very important legislations”, indicating that he rates them as important as any other legislation put on the floor of the National Legislature for discussion and possible passage into law. In the Senator’s opinion, dual holidays for Christians and Muslims are as important as any other contemporary political issue, and should be given equal importance.

“FOR THE RECORD, the introduction of these bills is not intended to bring me in conflict, or seek favor from any particular segment of our Liberian society. It is based on my patriotic conviction and responsibility as a Senator for all our people, based on my keen reading of Liberian history, including the proximate causes of our recent baseless prolonged civil conflict. I represent the majority as well as the minority.”

ACCORDING TO SENATOR Snowe, “The introduction of these bills represents, first, my belief in equality and religious freedom as guaranteed by our Constitution and laws of our country, Liberia; secondly, it is based on my belief and considered learning that God is a God of justice and fairplay. Consistent with the principles of freedom of speech and expression guaranteed by our Constitution, those of you opposing these bills have the right to call on your lawmakers to vote against them. However, as it stands, I will not, in good faith, withdraw these legislations. 

“I WILL BE on the floor of the Liberian Senate come Thursday, June 3rd, to ensure that these bills are placed on the agenda and read on the floor of the Liberian Senate. I will not back down. I will not withdraw. I will stand for what I believe is right, based on our history, and the need for a wholesome functioning of the Liberian society, and one nation, under God with liberty and justice for all. ‘Might don’t make right’ and all is in time.”

SENATOR SNOWE MAKES reference to the Constitution of the nation, and is no doubt referring to Article 14, which states, “All persons shall be entitled to freedom of thought, conscience and religion and no persons shall be hindered in the enjoyment thereof except as may be required by law to protect public safety, order, health, or morals or the fundamental rights and freedom of others. All persons who, in the practice of their religion, conduct themselves peacefully, not obstructing others and confirming to standards set out herein, shall be entitled to the protection of the law. No religious denomination or sect shall have any exclusive privilege or preference over any other, but all shall be treated alike; and no religious tests shall be required for any civil or military office or for the exercise of any civil right. Consistent with the principle of separation of religion and state, the Republic shall establish no state religion.”

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