UL Suspends Classes With Immediate Effect


The Administration of the University of Liberia (UL) has, with immediate effect, suspended all classes at the undergraduate level, in response to the violent disturbances on its Capitol Hill Campus and elsewhere, which resulted into serious bodily injuries to individuals as well as destruction to university properties.

    A UL press release says classes remain suspended until further notice.

     The UL Administration condemned, in the strongest possible terms, the violent disturbances and sincerely regretted the injuries sustained and the destruction of properties. The administration says they have begun an investigation, and any student found in violation of the Revised UL Student Handbook will be penalized accordingly.

   Meanwhile, the UL Administration is now consulting with all stakeholders regarding the continuation of the current semester and, therefore, solicits the cooperation and understanding of everyone, especially undergraduate students.

  The Administration assured faculty, students and staff that concerns raised are being considered.

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