Several Arrested For Violent Protest In Monrovia


The Liberia National Police (LNP) has arrested several citizens, predominantly Muslims, who staged a violent protest at the headquarters of the police and Judiciary branch of government.

   Over three hundred protesters comprising men, women and children during the early morning of Tuesday, August 3, 2021 besieged the police headquarters and the Judiciary, demanding justice for the death of their kinsman, a truck driver identified as Alieu Sheriff, who was allegedly killed by officers of the police assigned in Gardnesville.

   The protesters chanted anti-police slogans demanding that the police immediately disrobes the officers allegedly involved in the killing, and investigate and send them to the court to face prosecution for the crime they committed.

   The protesters carried in their hands placards with inscriptions like, “We Demand Justice”, “Muslims are Liberians”, “Our Lives Matters”. They also had in their hands palm branches and other tree leaves.

   According to the protesters, victim Sheriff died last week while driving his truck after he encountered the officers, who impounded his vehicle.

   The protesters said when the late Alieu’s vehicle was impounded, he tried to retrieve his vehicle when argument ensued, which he said degenerated into a fist fight.

   The protesters explained that the officers used tear gas and batons to brutalize the victim, which led to his instant death.

   They noted that it has been six days now since the incident occurred—without the police providing the necessary information to them concerning the death of their kinsman.

   The protesters, while demanding justice, became violent to the extent that they started throwing stones and pounding on other peaceful citizens’ vehicle, thus leading to traffic congestion and impeding of free movement.

   Their action prompted the police to quickly move in to arrest several individuals, which brought calm to the police headquarters, Judiciary and surrounding areas.

   Meanwhile, a special independent committee has been set up comprising the Internal Affairs Minister, Varney Sirleaf, Gender Minister, Piso Saydee Tarr, and a representative of the deceased family to probe the situation.

   Internal Affairs Minister, Varney Sirleaf, told the media that the committee was set up by President George Weah to investigate the matter within the soonest possible period of time.

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