Gov’t Recognizes National Trucker Union Of Liberia


The newly formed National Trucker Union of Liberia has been granted full recognition by the government as an umbrella organization protecting the interest of truck owners and operators in the country.

   The recognition was granted after the union met all criteria set for operating a full-fledged national union.

   Documentary evidence seen by the Hot Pepper shows that the newly formed organization has received clearance from all relevant agencies of government in the transportation sector, including the ministries of Labor and Transport.

   The formation of the National Trucker Union of Liberia comes against the backdrop of confusion in the Port Trucker Association of Liberia (PTAL) following the election of its current president, Abraham Kamara.

  Several potential members of PTAL broke away to form the new union, citing lack of confidence and trust in the leadership of the PTAL president.

   There were protests at the main entrance of the port by supporters of Kamara after the management of the National Port Authority (NPA) issued an order granting the new union the right to operate at the Freeport of Monrovia, in line with government’s recognition.

   The protesters ransacked the new union’s office at the port, destroying important documents and receipt books.

   The leaders of the National Trucker Union of Liberia and the Port Trucker Association of Liberia were cited for a meeting with the NPA boss, Bill Tweahway, to resolve the matter amicably.

   An NPA source hinted the Hot Pepper that, during the meeting Tweahway stated in clear terms that the law provides the right to the breakaway group to form a union of their own if they are not comfortable with the administration of PTAL.

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