Bropleh: “We Should Not Give Up On Motorcyclists”


Former informer Minister during President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s administration, Dr. Lawrence Bropleh, says there are still many other Emmanuel Tuloes among youths engaged in riding motorcycles and, therefore, people should not give-up on motorcyclists in Liberia despite their behaviors. Emmanuel Tuloe is the motorcyclist who recently found US$50,000 and L$100,000 in Nimba County and returned the amount to the rightful owner.

   The former Information Ministry boss said, despite the reckless conduct of some bike riders in the country, there are still some honest young people like the integrity icon, Emmanuel Tuloe, with integrity among the motorcyclists.

   On Wednesday, October 20, 2021 Dr. Bropleh made the statement on a local radio talk show in Monrovia when he appeared as a guest.

   According to the former Information Ministry boss, citizens of Liberia need to reconcile with each other for the improvement of the country. He suggested a peace and reconciliation conference to be held across the country.

   Dr. Bropleh said there is a need for the government to teach morality and integrity in schools, which he claimed is vital to the growth of the society. He said the issue of integrity cannot be legislated, but instead has to do with someone’s up-bringing. According to him, there are some bad teachers within our school system corrupting the minds of the young people who are in school.

   Dr. Bropleh emphasized the need for the “changing mind, changing attitude” to be taught in school in order to build up the integrity of citizens. According to him, only Liberians can change Liberia and not foreigners.

   He disclosed that one of the problems faced in Liberia is disrespect to the rule of law. “People should respect the law in the country,” Dr. Bropleh stated. According to him, disrespect to the rule of law is the beginning of the problems the country is faced with. Dr. Bropleh said people intentionally disrespect the law because of their connection with the authority.

   Responding to a question on Bropleh’s committee report on the flogging of journalists in Liberia by state security, the former information minister disclosed that he has since submitted his report to the office of the President. According to him, it is not his responsibility to give out the report; therefore, anyone opting to get the report should get to the President’s office.

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