DSie Wilson Foundation Launched


The DSie Wilson Foundation, a not-for-profit charity organization established this year, has been officially launched. The launching ceremony took place at the auditorium of the University of Liberia, Capitol Hill, Monrovia.

   Speaking during the launching ceremony, the Executive Director of the Foundation, Elizabeth Walloe, noted that the foundation came to Liberia to help buttress the Government of Liberia (GOL) in addressing the needs of the less fortunate and also providing assistance to instructors in Liberia.

   Walloe stated that following a survey, conducted by the foundation across Liberia recently, it was discovered that the less fortunate are particularly the young people of Liberia.

   According to her, the foundation sees those considered as “zogoes” as potential people to the forward march of Liberia. She said there is still hope for them, if only attention is drawn toward their livelihood.

   The DSie Wilson Foundation’s Executive Director used the launching ceremony to call on all state actors to begin prioritizing empowering less fortunate groups in Liberia, because according to her they, too, matter to Liberia.

   She spoke on a wide range of national issues confronting the forward march of Liberia, but ended on calling on Liberians at home and abroad to support the DSie Wilson Foundation’s initiative.

   The ceremony was well attended by invitees and the DSie Wilson Foundation team.

   The ceremony was climaxed by a rally among the guests, intended to help support the initiative in attaining its goal.

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