ACTs Seeks Partnership In Farming


Agriculture Conduit For Transformation (ACTs) is  currently seeking short-term and long-term partnership from the public.

   Agriculture Conduit for Transformation (ACTs) is a non- governmental farming institution which aims at producing Liberian-owned local commodities within  various markets in Liberia.

   ACTs is into coffee, peanut and beans farming, among other initiatives.

   Agriculture Conduit for Transformation is farming largely into Lofa County and other parts of rural Liberia.

   Speaking with ACTs Executive Director, John Kucuyoiyoigee, he told the Hot Pepper that they stand willing to open up to any partnership provided from the public.

   He said some diaspora Liberians are searching for individuals to assist them do their farming, which he indicated ACTs is willing to do so.

   He praised the Government of Liberia (GOL) for the level of contribution toward farmers in Liberia, but noted that more needed to be done for farmers.

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