After a Successful MRU’s Diplomatic Mission to Guinea: Min. Kemayah Briefs Pres. Julius Maada Bio of Sierra Leone


The Foreign Minister, Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr., on Tuesday, December 7, 2021 held bilateral and multilateral discussions with the President of Sierra Leone, Dr. Julius Maada Bio, on the visit of the Mano River Union’s peace and diplomatic mission to Guinea.

   Briefing journalists minutes after the closed-door discussion with President Bio, Minister Kemayah said he informed President Bio that the visit to Guinea was very fruitful.

   The Foreign Minister said the discussions went well and it is a good sign that the fruits it is bearing will eventually lead to the objectives of the mission to ensure the return of Guinea to constitutional order.

   Minister Kemayah mentioned that President Maada Bio was very pleased and appreciative of the representation of Liberia’s Foreign Minister as head of delegation of the mission to Guinea.

   Minister Kemayah further indicated that the Sierra Leonean leader promised to reach out to his colleagues in a drive to continue the discussion for the betterment of the region. He used the occasion to recommit Liberia’s support to Sierra Leone’s bid for a non-permanent membership role to the United Nations Security Council.

   He disclosed that, as part of their discussions, a Guinean delegation is expected in Sierra Leone to continue talks relative to the mission and will later head to Liberia.

  Moreover, he said, they are also expected to continue sideline discussions on the issue on December 12, 2021 in Abuja Nigeria for the ECOWAS summit.

   He at the same time pledged their commitments and support to work together in the spirit of fraternity and solidarity for the sub-region.

   He indicated that President George Weah’s vision to work along with his colleagues in the region to bring to an end the Guinean situation remains uncompromising until the objective to the mission is achieved.

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