AML Recruits New Batch Of Highly Motivated Liberians For Int’l Scholarships


International steel company, ArcelorMittal, has announced it is recruiting a new batch of Liberians for international scholarships at foreign accredited institutions.

   The 2023 recruitment, the 9thedition, has been announced jointly by the global steel giant and the Government of Liberia (GOL).

   The aim is to recruit highly motivated young Liberians who will drive change in mining, engineering and business.

   It supports students pursuing graduate (master’s) and other advanced academic degrees in different fields of study at foreign accredited institutions

   The different disciplines include engineering (excluding environmental engineering/ science), geo-sciences, civil surveying, etc.

   Awardees go through a rigorous screening that qualifies them to benefit from academic training at either University of Nairobi and Moi in Kenya, University of Rwanda, University of Kagali, University of Kampala and Makerere University in Uganda of the University of Zambia.

   Others include the University of Botswana, the Indian Institute of Engineering Science, Sharda University in India and Chandigarh University, India.

   Applicants provide proof of Liberian citizenship and must have resided in Liberia, submit undergraduate degree credentials with a minimum GPA of 3.0.

   The scholarship considers Liberians who are 35 years or below and encourages a letter of reference from a local community leader.

   Last year, 22 young Liberians were awarded academic scholarships by ArcelorMittal Liberia to study overseas for advanced degrees in a number of science-related disciplines.

   The advanced academic studies scholarship, fully funded by ArcelorMittal Liberia, is part of its Mineral Development Agreement (MDA) commitments, seen more impactful as its phase 2 expansion advances with Liberians expected to occupy many of the new jobs to be created.

   With the construction of a huge iron ore precession plant and with commitment for new investment in rail, and post facilities in the phase two expansion, the 9th cycle, stands out to benefit young Liberians desirous of contributing to the mining sector.

   ArcelorMittal has a strong history of support for Liberia’s educational sector, offering scholarships to dozens of students since 2006.

   In July 2022 ArcelorMittal Liberia (AML) announced the launch of a new education support initiative, known as the “Community Scholarship Program”.

   That category of scholarship program was designed for twelfth graders, as well as students in accredited public colleges, and specialized tertiary educational institutions in Bong, Grand Bassa, and Nimba counties. 

   The Community Scholarship Program, AML said, awards 100-percent of all annual scholarships to eligible students majoring in the sciences and math who are residents in cities, towns, and villages in the immediate operational areas.

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