Arcelormittal Contributes To Rehabilitation Of Deployable Road In Yekepa


ArcelorMittal Liberia (AML) has provided US$1,750 (one thousand seven hundred fifty dollars) towards the rehabilitation of a major road in its concession area.

   The money is to be used for the purchase of three hundred fifty (350) gallons of fuel as contribution towards rehabilitation of the road from the Concession Gate through Makinto to Sehyee-Geh and then Gboa Gbalasonnonin, Nimba County’s electoral district #2.

   According to AML’s Government Relations Superintendent, Ambrose Gbormie, the contribution comes following a request from district #2 Representative, Prince Tokpah, for the company to assist the communities in the rehabilitation of the road as it has turned deplorable and is nearly becoming inaccessible.

   The stretch of road is the bypass of the main road leading from Sanniquellie to Yekepa Town.

    Though AML has committed about US$42 million towards the pavement of the road from Ganta to Yekepa, the project is yet to be completed and the stretch from Sanniquellie to Yekepa becomes deplorable every rainy season.

   The road for which the contribution is made serves as a suitable route to by-pass the main road to Yekepa from Sanniquellie. It is also the route for several users whose villages and towns are at the western end of the mining sites (Tokadeh, Gangra and Yuelliton).

   Gbormie, displaying a receipt from the transaction, said the contribution is significant not only because the road runs through AML communities of impact, but also because of the company’s strong corporate responsibility values of giving back to its communities.

   The Government Relations Superintendent added that when the main road is deplorable or construction work is going thereon, the Makinto-Sehyee-Geh route can be used to avoid inconvenience.

   The current contribution of AML, made on October 17, towards road rehabilitation is not the first this year. On May 23 the company provided a check for US$7,436.00 to purchase 1,144 gallons of fuel for the rehabilitation of 54.4kilometers of road from Lugbehyee’s intersection to Gbelehyee, and by extension to Kinon and Gbondin.

   On the same day, AML provided a check for US$350,000 to the people of Gbapa for a clinic project that is nearing completion.

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