Arms Commission Granted Semi-Financial Autonomy


The Liberian Senate has resolved to grant semi-financial autonomy status to the Liberia National Commission on Small Arms.

   It can be recalled that in recent times the Senate amended the Act creating the Liberia National Commission on Small Arms to provide for the establishment of the Liberia National Commission on Arms, thereby expanding the commission’s mandate to cover small arms, light weapons and conventional arms.

   In its amendment of the Act creating the Liberia National Commission on Small Arms, the Senate removed tenure status from the commission as well as the semi-financial autonomy in the current law, which requires all fees and fines for registration and licensing to be deposited in a designated account of the commission to facilitate decentralization of its work.

   However, in a communication dated June 6, 2022, River Gee County Senator, Conmany B. Wesseh, filed a motion for reconsideration on the Amendment of Chapter 7, Section 2 of the 2012 Act establishing the commission, granting the commission the right to organize fundraising activities to support its programs and activities and also to request and receive technical assistance, donations or grants from Liberia’s development partners and international multilateral institutions.

   According to a Senate press release, the acceptance of the motion for reconsideration by the Senate has granted the commission a semi-financial autonomy status.

   In another development, the Liberian Senate has confirmed two presidential nominees, affecting the Judiciary branch of government.

   Those confirmed by the Senate are Cllr. U-Jay Bright as Tax Court Judge and Cllr. Necular Edwards as Probate Court Judge, both of Montserrado County.

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