As Gov’t Plans To Hire Albayrak Group To Renovate RIA: Liberia Sits On Time Bomb?


–As Company Linked To Ex-Guinean Pres. Alpha Conde

Impeccable sources within the National Investment Commission (NIC), particularly close to President Joseph Nyuma Boakai, have reliably confided in the Hot Pepper about an on-going plan by the government to hire Albayrak Group, based in Turkey, for the renovation of the Roberts International Airport (RIA).

However, it has been reported that decisions surrounding the consideration of this company by the government are being critically reviewed, coupled with international consultations due to the alleged alignment of the company with former Guinean President, Alpha Conde, who was overthrown by a military junta led by Mamady Doumbouya.

According to the highly placed sources, the strong critiques and review processes are triggered by further information, which revealed that the company is directly linked to former President Conde.

Additionally, it is also alleged that ex-President Conde is constantly striking clandestine concession deals with the management of the Turkish-based Albayrak Group for his financial empowerment to fight back at General Doumbouya and his militarily led-government of Guinea.

The sources further hinted that the former Guinean President had phoned President Boakai, using his influence and pleading for the awarding of the contract of the RIA to the Albayrak Group by the Unity Party administration.

The atmosphere under this on-going discussion surrounding the contract might have a serious security implication for Liberia, as uncertainty looms over the aftermath or reaction from Guinean President, General Doumbouya, should the company be awarded the contract.

According to the sources, President Pro Tempore, Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence, James K. Mulbah, General Manager of the RIA, and Board Chair of the RIA, Massaquoi Kamara, are allegedly the forerunners of the deal.

The Hot Pepper is further informed that the three top government officials had earlier paid a visit to Istanbul, Turkey, and met with the former Guinean President, Conde, and executives of Albayrak Group to discuss the contract.

At the same time, it is understood that the RIA Board Chair, Kamara, is reportedly in a fight with the sector head, Transport Minister Sirleaf Tyler, as information further suggests that Minister Tyler has expressed strong opposition to the deal.

In a letter dated November 20, 2024, and addressed to President Boakai, a copy of which is in the possession of this paper, the Chairman of the National Investment Commission (NIC), Jeff B. Blibo, requested the constitution of an Inter-Ministerial Concessions Committee (IMCC) to address the financing and redevelopment of the Roberts International Airport (RIA).

“As you are aware, financing the operations of the airport has been a significant challenge,” the letter stated. It added that the Board of the Liberia Airport Authority (LAA) has decided to contract the services of a private sector company to invest the capital required to resuscitate the airport and bring it up to a modern facility.

In the communication, Blibo further indicated that the potential developer will be required to enter into a Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) arrangement, following which the airport will be turned over to the Government of Liberia (GOL).

“To move forward with this initiative, the relevant approvals, such as the LAA Board Approval, issuance of the Concession Certificate by the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, and the Public Procurement and Concession Commission No Objection to proceed with a competitive process, have been received,” it stated.

The NIC boss stated that to ensure the conduct of the procurement process, in compliance with Section 81(3g) of the Public Procurement and Concessions Act (PPCA) of 2010 the constitution of an Inter-Ministerial Concessions Committee (IMCC) is crucial to oversee and facilitate this process. “Excellency, please accept the assurances of my highest esteem,” the letter closed.

In another communication in the possession of this paper, reportedly written by President Boakai, the Liberian government extended an invitation to the Albayrak Group to present a proposal.

“Following your previous visit to Monrovia and our discussions during my transit in Istanbul, Turkey, I am pleased to formally invite you to Liberia to make a comprehensive presentation of your proposal for the redevelopment of Roberts International Airport (RIA),” the letter said.

Accordingly, the invitation is also based on the information provided by the Liberia Airport Authority (LAA) after their fact-finding mission to Turkey, and subsequent engagements.

The letter also indicated that the presentation will provide the company an opportunity to showcase its capabilities, not only in airport development but also in areas such as agriculture, transportation and other sectors where its expertise aligns with Liberia’s developmental priorities under the President Joseph Boakai administration’s “ARREST” Agenda.

“Please feel free to reach out to the Liberia Airport Authority (LAA) to coordinate logistical arrangements and finalize details regarding your visit. We look forward to welcoming you,” the letter observed.

Meanwhile, it is understood that the contract for the renovation of the RIA is heavily being chased after by several other companies based in China and the United Kingdom, including Suma Group and FB Group, among others.

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