As Traditional Elders, Chiefs Welcome Pres. Weah With Kru War Dance: Nowhere Like Home


Like nowhere else, His Excellency President George Manneh Weah was received by the people of Grand Kru County in his vernacular, Kru, which could not happen in any of the first five counties he earlier visited. To his taste, President Weah proudly interacted with the People of the county in Kru and made himself at home, especially when he entered Sasstown.

   On Thursday, February 25, 2021, President Weah and his entourage entered Grand Kru County amidst an expected rousing welcome from the people of the county. His entry into Sasstown, his hometown, was characterized by the Kru War Dance with the traditional elders and chiefs. The tour of the county was guided by the Deputy Speaker of the House, Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa, Senate Pro-Tempore of the Liberian Senate, Prof. Albert Chie, and the local authorities of the county.

   Speaking to the people of the county, President Weah emphasized solving the bread-and-butter issues of the county, and urged the people to liaise with their lawmakers whom they elected to the first branch of government in doing so. He expressed dismay in the county lacking of little but important things to improve the lives of the residents.

    “When you elected us, we promised to provide free education, paved roads, improve the health and security sectors, and so on. I have come to let you know that we are doing what we said we were going to do. I heard someone thanking us when they were speaking…But this is a government; you gave us a mandate and we are only implementing that mandate. I see no reason to thank us. We are only doing what needs to be done to develop the country and provide equal opportunity for the citizenry. However, we are happy that you appreciate what we are doing,” President Weah noted.

   He entreated the lawmakers of the county, especially Deputy Speaker Koffa and Pro-Temp Chie, to intervene in the on-going problem between the residents and Golden Veroleum Liberia (GVL).

   The Liberian Leader recommitted his government to ensuring that roads are paved in order for the people to have access to nearby counties and create the avenue for economic prosperity.

   “We have three more years, but I believe that you are convinced that we are the government that you needed. Even the opposition knows that they will not be able to do what we are doing for you now, because they are not like you…I am like you,” President Weah said.

    While in Grand Kru County, President Weah dedicated the Presidential Housing Units in Barclayville, provided 2,500 solar panels for the electrification of a number of towns, including Barclayville and Sasstown, and committed his government to paving the streets of Barclayville.

   Grand Kru County brings to end the first phase of the nationwide Presidential tour, which target six counties: Bong, Nimba, Grand Gedeh, River Gee, Maryland and Grand Kru. President Weah and his entourage are expected in Monrovia on today. The government’s machinery is expected to incorporate the wishes of the people and tailor the pro-poor agenda in the best way that it can reflect the suffering masses they have engaged over the past two weeks. 

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